Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
Life has been great for me lately.. :).. Alhamdulillah... Few good things happened and I feel grateful for being able to enjoy blessful life so far..
- New family member -
My brother just got a baby boy on 16th October.. This budak was born at about 10.10pm.. I would say that my sis-in-law has gone through quite an easy process of delivery.. Masuk labour room at about 7pm, time tuh cervix opened 5 cm.. then 3 hours later, budak nih kuar.. hahahha.. being 2.93 kg, memang tak susah mane la nak kuar, unlike some mothers who had to struggle for this critical process.. Alhamdulillah.. Danial Harith Bin Hazim, your presence has been the greatest moment for all of us..
So, panggilan baru dalam family..
- Abah = Tok Abah
- Ummi = Tok Ummi (macam tua sangat le pulak..)
- Saye yg best nih = Cik Ina..
hahahah... tak sabar nak tunggu budak nih besar..
- Patient oh Patient -
Sorang makcik datang ke hospital mase saye on-call.. pukul 3am, nurse panggil and bagitahu makcik nih baru masuk.. so saye kena pergi interview and buat pape yang patut before dia masuk ward..
She has history of long-standing diabetes mellitus, on Insulin injection (showing that her illness could not longer be controlled by taking pills).. She complained of right foot pain and having pus discharge from a wound in between her big toe and second toe.. she said, it was just about a week ago.. means, tak le lama mane.. but looking at her foot condition, I didn't think so it's a one week event.. very bad condition, okay.. nanah keluar even kalo saye picit sket je.. swollen foot with redness and warm skin, showing that she has a severe infection on that foot.. and to my surprise, ade lagi satu luka kat tapak kaki dia, bahagian belakang.. guess what I found there?? MAGGOTS @ ULAT (yang macam ulat buah tu).. I was so shocked.. bukan sebab geli.. tapi terkejut sebab makcik tu pon tahu ade maggot kat situ!! dia biar je.. katenye " dah buang siket smalam, tapi ade lagi le Doktor.. so makcik biar je la.." Adeh.. sakit dada saye.. ni kena buat ECG ni, takut2 kena heart attack pulak saye..
Saye tak puas hati, so saye korek cerita lagi.. rupe-rupenye luka tu dah lama.. 3 minggu punye luka, start kuar nanah 2 minggu lepas.. pi cuci kat klinik biasa, tak sembuh jugak.. pastu husband dah malas nak hantar pi klinik, so makcik nih just amik ubat cuci and buat sendiri kat rumah.. condition of the wound getting worst, then makcik nih mintak ngan husband supaya hantar pi hospital.. husband tak nak.. sebab katenye, kalo pi hospital, nanti kena potong kaki (sebab sedara dia ade yg kena potong kaki kerana kencing manis)... dah lepas jadi makin teruk sampai makcik ni tak tahan dah tengok maggots tuh kuar, makcik ni mintak ngan jiran dia hantar ke hospital.. so she ended up in my ward..
Patut tak saye marah?? memang saye dah marah pon.. tapi more of marah pada husband dia.. tanggungjawab suami untuk jaga isteri.. kalo tanak hantar isteri ke hospital semata-mata kerana takut kaki isteri kena potong, bertanggungjawab ke tu? lebih rela isteri sakit and menderita kat rumah, daripada hantar ke hospital?? Urgh.. saye tak paham lelaki yang macam ni..
Saye marah jugak kat makcik tu, sebab tak bertegas.. dia kate, dia takut derhaka pada suami.. Isk.. tak paham saye.. mungkin kena tukar siket syllabus dalam Kursus Pra-perkahwinan supaya jelaskan pada bakal2 isteri, dalam keadaan ape yang seorang isteri boleh menidakkan arahan @ kata2 suami..
But all in all, makcik tuh selamat le.. tak perlu potong kaki pun, just operate siket je untuk buang tisu2 mati + nanah + maggots tuh.. And, saye tak pernah nampak pon suami dia datang melawat.. Hmmm...
So, pengajaran dari 2 cerita di atas..
- I am getting older.. dah jadi Auntie pun.. Erk...
- Love yourself first, before loving others.. And to all husbands, jgn salah guna kuasa ye.. Suami sepatutnye melindungi dan menjaga isteri, bukan memudaratkan lagi..
Till then, thanks for reading this, people..
p/s : Ummi n Abah saye excited jadi grandpa n grandma.. Ummi jahit bengkung bunga2 lagi untuk Danial!! hehehe.. sedondon dengan bengkung Mama dia.. Comel!