Huhuhu.. nih memang bertapa tahap gaban nih.. tak update lama dah.. Just a quick recap, I've ended my housemanship in HUKM on 17th July 2008. That was the last day I worked as HO in Vascular Team, Surgery Department of HUKM.. and I had a good days in Surgery posting actually.. I enjoyed the posting very much..
And then, apa lagi.. CUTI-CUTI SABAH le.. a 5-days trip of single IIUM-grad docs, comprises of me myself, Asma', Aqien, Hasanah, Ita and Najah.. banyak jalan2 and shopping jek.. We went to Tip of Borneo (Aqien kena 'auta' dgn saye on how the founder of this place confirmed whether tempat tuh le tip of Borneo.. hahaha!) Then, to Kundasang, tempat yang sejuk mcm Cameron Highland.. (steamboat kat the Kinabalu Pine Resort memang superb!).. the next day, shopping and shopping.. Luckily, saye nih kan jenis yang kedekut dgn diri sendiri so, tak banyak le yg habis.. And penutup, pi snorkelling tengok pasir and kaki sendiri kat Pulau Mamutik and Pulau Manukan (erk..not as what i expected.. kena pi Tioman jugak nih!)
But actually, the best part were gathering with old friends and just spend the whole day without have to think about our patients (altho kalo berborak2, sure cakap pasal keja and patients.. duh!).. Thanks to Shade & her housemates, and also Rena for the time..
Well, tengok le gambar2 yang tak seberapa nih.. hehehe.. banyak lagi gambar kat Friendster ye..
p/s : enjoy puas2 sebelum kena kerja and suit myself dgn tempat baru... huhuhu... HELP ME!!!
hehe best btul gi sabah.. plg best sbb kapten hafi2 firdaus yg hantar kite blk semenanjung akekeke
hehe best btul gi sabah.. plg best sbb kapten hafi2 firdaus yg hantar kite blk semenanjung akekeke
hehehe.. itu sudah semestinye.. berkat flight kite hari tuh, sebab pilot nye kapten hafiz firdaus.. hehehe!
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