Assalamualaykum warahmatullah...
Lama sungguh tak update.. padahal everyday pon online, except mase hari on-call le.. hehehe.. saje je.. biar tertunggu-tunggu... cewah!
I don't wish to talk about my Raya.. but definitely, my day was filled with joy, just by looking at my cute cousins' faces...
And I'm waiting my first nephew to come out from his Mommy's tummy.. next week? next next week? hermm... it's approaching 38 weeks, anyway...
Dear Allah, I pray for his safety, and Kak Sue's well-being... bless both of them and all of us, My Lord...
Very fine......
Nice blog.
Beautiful pictures. Wow....
Please visit:
Good luck
38 weeks is considered "Term"...heheheh (hasil posting OBG)
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