Monday, August 11, 2008

Counting Days..

My brother, Hazim took this photo.. nice ek?!

Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Yes, I am counting days to start my new life in Pahang.
And yes, I'm choosing Kuantan / HTAA as the place is more familiar to me compared to the other one.
And insya-Allah, I'll be starting my Ramadhan in a new place with new vision and mission.
May Allah guide me to His blessings...

I'm reading Khaled Hosseini's latest novel, "A Thousand Splendid Suns"..Alternate with "La Tahzan" when I feel bored.. huhuhu..
This is not flight of idea, people..
But I just need some tazkirah when I feel down..
And just to happen that "La Tahzan" is the best tazkirah..

" Jangan berdukacita sebab anda masih mempunyai doa,
Anda boleh bersimpuh di depan pintu-pintu Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,
Dan anda dapat beroleh ketenangan di depan pintu-pintu Raja,
Anda juga masih mempunyai waktu sepertiga akhir malam,
Dan masih mempunyai waktu merapatkan dahi ke tanah untuk b'sujud..."

p/s: kesimpulannya, setiap perkara mendukacitakan itu, pasti ada pengubatnya..
urgh.. why am I mixing English and Malay? adeh.. penin otak..

1 comment:

sHaHiedDaH said...

waa.. g kuantan, nnti aku g melawat ko ah.. rindu telur bungkus, tg lumpur, roti john kt psr malamm.. nyum2 terliur sudah

ko dok hostel ah nnti?

or cari rumah