As a wife of seaman,sometimes it is always frustrating to know that my husband could not come back even though after the contract has ended.. The always heard excuses are : services are still needed, HR couldn't find the other chief engineer to replace you.. yada yada yada..
I believe that a Human Resource department should do a better job by finding a reliever at least 2 weeks before the agreed period of contract of services ended. But damn it, they are not doing it!
So, nak marah kat sape? of course la not my husband.. The one who should be blame is, the HR Department..
So, here goes my letter to them.. I am very much frustrated and disappointed but yet, I don't blame my husband.. He has reminded them regarding his reliever weeks back but maybe this HR department is so so busy (or pretend to be busy) to find one..
Dear ?*%@ Human Resource officer (whatever your name is),
Regards to you. I am Dr. Hanin, Mr. Suria Kencana's wife. I'm sure you know him.
I am sorry for not knowing who you are and what is your role in the company, but I suppose you are in-charge of the human resource of those working off-shore.
Thanks for reading this, anyway.
And thanks for ruining my plan (our plan actually) for a holiday trip.
You know, sometimes contract and promises are meant to be broken but it is noble to stick to the promises and contract that has been signed.
My husband is very much interested to work permanently with your company, taking into considerations that the company might be a bumiputera company which has potential to develop as one of the giant company in maritime and I believe that somehow or rather, he is willing to help out in that.
He was delightfully discussing with me and trying hard to convince me that your company might be able to take care of the off-shore staff in terms of welfare and financial income.
That is the most essential part of offshore life, i suppose.
At this point, I was thinking, "oh dear, you guys should portray a good image for my husband to sign as a permanent worker with you"..
But no, you ruin it all.. by not providing reliever for my husband as his contract has ended ( 2months, equal to 60 days, which means he should come back to me on 13 June 2011), you have burnt all the good impression of his towards you into ashes..
It is not only his impression, but mine, too..
Thus, thank you for providing an eye-opening situation here.
I promise you, I will persuade my husband NOT to join you in the future.
Thanks again for ruining our plan..
Your biggest enemy .. erk..
Hmm... it feels good after writing this.. :) hehehe...
Should I or should I not send this to the department??
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