Alhamdulillah, I arrived Kuantan safely.. Dalam proses nak cari rumah sewa tuh, macam2 jadik.. mendebarkan, menyedihkan, menyeronokkan.. But all in all, Allah eased my life so far.. Nih nak citer siket..
Friday, 29/08/2008
Bertolak dari KL pukul 11am, after amik my sis, Bib, kat UIA PJ. target nak sampai Kuantan after solat Jumaat, so that dapat pi daftar kat Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pahang and tahu kat hospital mane ditempatkan..
Sampai dalam 3pm, check in hotel and then terus ke Jabatan Kesihatan.. Alhamdulillah, dapat pilih HTAA (Kuantan) instead of Temerloh.. pegawai in-charge kate, just daftar kt HTAA on Tuesday because it was already 5pm.. called my mum's fren regarding rumah sewa.. alamak!! tenant sekarang nak keluar rumah 15 haribulan nanti.. means I have to wait another 2 weeks.. sementara tuh, nak duduk mane ek? dah down sangat2.. sedih dan cuak.. but Uncle tu promise nak tolong carikan petang tu jugak..
6pm, jumpa la satu rumah kosong kat Indera Mahkota, belakang Tunas Manja IM.. tempat tu agak familiar, facilities banyak.. call tuan rumah untuk runding. rumah teres 2 tingkat, sewa RM400 sebulan.. condition rumah : errr... sekali pandang macam tak berapa best, tapi at this moment, takleh memilih sgt sebab terdesak.. takpelah, tuan rumah kate boleh datang Ahad pagi untuk tgk dalam rumah sebab dia kat Jengka.. hmm.. lega sket.. Then, pegi pasar malam kat IM (isk.. nostalgia betul sbb pasar malam nih slalu pergi mase study dulu)to buy something to eat for dinner.. then balik hotel.. exhausted but still anxious.. tak sedar terlelap awal, but terbangun balik pukul 2.30am.. still anxious nak duduk kat rumah tu sorang2.. urghh.. ntah bile ntah tertido balik..
Saturday, 30/08/2008
Woke up early morning.. eh.. nice view from my hotel room. menghadap ke sungai besar tuh.. nampak banyak bot2 baru balik dari laut kot.. very refreshing...
After breakfast, another fren of my mum called.. she found a new house for rent around Bukit Setongkol area.. according to her, the house is nearer to the hospital.. Hmm.. after Zuhur, kuar makan kt Giant and did some shopping, then went to my dad's fren's house around Sungai Isap.. wah! macam jejak kasih le plak.. this Uncle is a long-lost friend.. last time jumpa mase Abah Form 3, then tukar skolah and lost contact.. after having a yummy roti jala at his house, we headed towards Bukit Setongkol to have a look at the house.. my mum's fren was waiting at the house..
Tuan rumah adalah pasangan suami isteri, kedua2nye bekas guru.. dah almost 2 years pindah ke Temerloh.. rumah ni tempat persinggahan je.. kadang2 anak diorg datang tapi eversince anak dia pindah KL, the house is not occupied for almost 1 year.. Pakcik n Makcik datang sebulan skali untuk bersihkan halaman, bayar bil eletrik and air and Astro.. Halaman luas, siap ade 3 batang pokok rambutan yang tgh berbuah lebat.. pokok buah delima, pokok bunga, pokok kelapa gading.. WOW! rumah ni betul2 berdepan dgn surau (according to the Makcik, surau nih mmg aktif ngan aktiviti), sebelah tu ade gerai makan.. hehehe! Dekat sgt dgn supermarket and other facilities.. Rumah setingkat kt corner lot, tapi dah renovate menjadi sgt luas.. Sewa : RM500 per month.. fully furnished (yes! fully and siap ade aircond kat bilik tidur, as well as ASTRO).. very secure and privacy.. jiran2 baik, sye dah berkenalan dgn sorang makcik blakang rumah yang juga staff kepada kawan Ummi.. dia kate dia akn tengok2kan saye.. best! nak ke hospital just amik masa 5-10 mins, sbb ade short-cut.
Oleh itu, Ummi saye sgt lega dan saye pon setuju untuk menyewa... hilang anxious saye.. syukur sgt2 pada Allah sbb permudahkan urusan saye... Alhamdulillah.. Ummi pon bagitahu, kalau saye amik rumah yang first tuuh, Ummi rase agak keberatan and tak sedap hati.. kawasan tu agak terpencil... tapi rumah yg kedua nih, sgt sesuai and berbaloi.. maka, esok saye akan masuk rumah baru!! hehehe..
So, itu le al-kisahnye.. Insya-Allah, azam baru utk bekerja lebih kuat (erk.. nanti ade org tak senang duduk nih).. nak perbaiki diri supaya lebih berdikari dan tabah.. Sempena Ramadhan ni, harap2 saye dapat melakukan ibadat semaksima mungkin.. herm.. takpelah berpuasa sorang2 pon.. Allah kan ade.. :)
Doakan saye ye kawan2...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Salam Perjuangan : Revisited..

Assalamualaykum and Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
I couldn't sleep... has been like this for the past 4-5 days.. Possibly due to the pre-working syndrome... Oh my... I have been jobless since 18th July!!!
Anyway, I reviewed the previous postings in my Journey Of Life.. and this one really suitable for me right now.. huhuhu..
Hendak tidur, tidurlah mata,
Moga hilang nanti lelap di dada,
Hendak lena, lenalah jiwa,
Moga esokkan kembali ceria....
Lama aku berjuang,
Ku menempuh duri dan gelombang,
Lama ku berpanas hujan,
Ingin ku regup setitik kedamaian....
Moga dapat ku rehat seketika,
Membasuh lukanya dosa dan noda,
Doakan aku teman semua,
Bangkit ku nanti berjuang semula....
Nanti akan ku impikan,
Bersama kita berganding tangan,
Nanti akan ku impikan,
Bendera Islam sama dikibarkan....
Aku kini lemah tak berdaya,
Tak mampu rasa mengimbang perasaan,
Kerdilnya diri di sisi Tuhan,
Terasa malu menatap alam....
Tidurlah....tidur biar lena,
Bersama dodoian kasih ini,
Nanti bila terjaga,
Dapat kau bangkit berjuang semula...
Tidurlah....tidur biar lena,
Bersama alunan cinta dihati,
Nanti bila terjaga,
Dapat berbakti pada agama....
-'salam perjuangan'-
p/s: saye merasakan diri saye berubah.. adakah lebih kepada yang baik? atau makin merosot? yang pasti, saye rindukan secebis kehidupan dulu...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Zawjati - My Wife..
Nak share satu video clip yang saye suka.. :) The wordings are soooo sweeettt... Saye sarankan pada suami2, boleh le tujukan nasyeed nih pada zaujah masing2.. sure akan terharu punye lah! hantar kat email ke, tujukan kat blog ke.. hehehe.. ape salahnye beromantik skali-skala.. bukan pada orang lain pon kan..
So, hayati le translated lyrics kat bawah clip ni ye..
TRANSLATION - Zawjati (My wife) ( Ahmed Bukhatir)
I love you the way you are,
I love you the way you were,
No matter what did or will happen,
You are and will be my darling.
You're my rightful wife, I care not about
Those who like to reproach and irritate me.
It is our destiny to be
Together eternally.
In my heart you instilled love
With grace and good deeds.
Happiness vanishes when you disappear,
Life brightens when you're there.
Hard is my day
Until you return home.
Sadness disappears
When you smile.
Life turns black
When you're upset,
So I work hard
To make your wish come true.
You're my happiness.
May you be happy forever.
Our souls are united
Like soil and plants.
You're my hope, my peace
My good company and inspiration.
Life is good, no matter how hard it is,
When you're fine.
p/s : kalo "suami" saye yang hadiahkan untuk saye, sure saye nangis.. lagi terharu kalo dia sendiri yang nyanyi.. heheh.. berangan!
Nak share satu video clip yang saye suka.. :) The wordings are soooo sweeettt... Saye sarankan pada suami2, boleh le tujukan nasyeed nih pada zaujah masing2.. sure akan terharu punye lah! hantar kat email ke, tujukan kat blog ke.. hehehe.. ape salahnye beromantik skali-skala.. bukan pada orang lain pon kan..
So, hayati le translated lyrics kat bawah clip ni ye..
TRANSLATION - Zawjati (My wife) ( Ahmed Bukhatir)
I love you the way you are,
I love you the way you were,
No matter what did or will happen,
You are and will be my darling.
You're my rightful wife, I care not about
Those who like to reproach and irritate me.
It is our destiny to be
Together eternally.
In my heart you instilled love
With grace and good deeds.
Happiness vanishes when you disappear,
Life brightens when you're there.
Hard is my day
Until you return home.
Sadness disappears
When you smile.
Life turns black
When you're upset,
So I work hard
To make your wish come true.
You're my happiness.
May you be happy forever.
Our souls are united
Like soil and plants.
You're my hope, my peace
My good company and inspiration.
Life is good, no matter how hard it is,
When you're fine.
p/s : kalo "suami" saye yang hadiahkan untuk saye, sure saye nangis.. lagi terharu kalo dia sendiri yang nyanyi.. heheh.. berangan!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Counting Days..

My brother, Hazim took this photo.. nice ek?!
Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
Yes, I am counting days to start my new life in Pahang.
And yes, I'm choosing Kuantan / HTAA as the place is more familiar to me compared to the other one.
And insya-Allah, I'll be starting my Ramadhan in a new place with new vision and mission.
May Allah guide me to His blessings...
I'm reading Khaled Hosseini's latest novel, "A Thousand Splendid Suns"..Alternate with "La Tahzan" when I feel bored.. huhuhu..
This is not flight of idea, people..
But I just need some tazkirah when I feel down..
And just to happen that "La Tahzan" is the best tazkirah..
" Jangan berdukacita sebab anda masih mempunyai doa,
Anda boleh bersimpuh di depan pintu-pintu Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,
Dan anda dapat beroleh ketenangan di depan pintu-pintu Raja,
Anda juga masih mempunyai waktu sepertiga akhir malam,
Dan masih mempunyai waktu merapatkan dahi ke tanah untuk b'sujud..."

p/s: kesimpulannya, setiap perkara mendukacitakan itu, pasti ada pengubatnya..
urgh.. why am I mixing English and Malay? adeh.. penin otak..
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