Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya ber'mood' jugak untuk update blog.. ehehehe.. my dear husband kept on asking..
"yang, bile nak update blog?"
"sayang, kate nak update blog.."
"isteriku sayang, nak baca new update kat blog awak.."
hehehehe.. kesian le pulak dia..
so, untuk memenuhi permintaan my Mr. Sunshine + membayar hutang, here it come..
After raya, wajiblah entry pon pasal raya kan?! Hehehe.. this year, giliran beraya di Pasir Mas, Kelantan.. the truth is, saye pon dah almost 2 tahun tak balik kelantan.. seingat saye, last skali balik kelantan masa raye tahun 2008, that was before kawen.. so, tahun ni sure la feeling lain sket sebab balik kampung and beraya ngan husband kan..
Anyway, this year sebenarnye saye dah ready untuk tidak dapat beraya dengan Mr. Sunshine, since kapal yang dia handle still tersadai kat China walaupon dah hampir habis Ramadhan... that upset me a lot, initially.. yelah, macam tak bermakna je raya tanpa husband, kan?! Tapi, last minute Mr. Sunshine cakap, dia nak balik beraya ngan saye, walaupon sekejap.. WAAAHHHH!!! So he took a flight from China to KLIA two days before raya, and we headed to Kelantan the next day.. first time drive jauh, husband kata... yang paling penting, dapat raya sama-sama jugak tahun ni, walaupon just dapat 5 hari je.. tapi takpe, cukup le untuk sementara.. and now my beloved husband is back to China, to complete the task.. latest news, tertangguh lagi nak start belayar sebab Cyclone Panafi is heading towards their place.. Semoga Allah lindungi suami saya dan sahabat-sahabatnya ...
Insya-Allah, when husband comes back, we will be busy preparing for our new house.. Actually, kuarters kerajaan tapi alhamdulillah le sebab dapat le rumah untuk berteduh.. rasa macam dah lama dok menumpang kat rumah Ummi and Abah, so teringin nak rasa duduk berdua jugak.. Makanya, masa balik Kelantan hari tu, shopping banyak le jugak kat Pengkalan Kubor.. ahahahaha.. husband pon dah jadi berpinar mata sebab banyak benda yang dia berkenan.. tapi kena stick to our budget jugak, so just beli apa yang rase berbaloi untuk beli...the rest, kena cari kat Putrajaya KL jugak.. Will be inviting all of you, my blog-readers for the house-warming later... :)
Tomorrow, back to office... I'm expecting a lot of works awaiting, since had been on leave for total of 12 days, okay! Hehehe.. memang puas hati cuti tahun ni.. macam qadak balik cuti raya tahun-tahun yg lepas.. :) and I am also expecting few Jamuan Raya later.. aha, not to forget my friends' big day, ASMA' and ASMAH.. hopefully, will be able to attend both of the occasions..
Anyway, hope it is still not too late to wish all of you..
p/s: Mr. Sunshine, thanks for your love.. :)
Makin lama, makin sayang.. :)
very loving couple. :)
Dr. Hanin and Mr.Sunshine, i hope both of you will always be romantic and loving couple forever. do not worry about baby yet, as both of you are still consider as young. wishing you two a happy life forever and cute couple always.
*silent reader*
Thanks, silent reader... hehehehe.. tak sangka, ade silent reader jugak ye.. anyway, alhamdulillah, my Mr.Sunshine has been a very helpful, loving, responsible and understanding husband.. he is my bestest bestfriend, in fact.. :) tak sabar nak tunggu dia balik.. hari ni baru start sailing from China and expected to arrive Kuantan another 10 days.. doakan dia selamat sampai jugak ye..
Insya-Allah, will be keep on trying for a baby.. :) takdelah desperate sgt pon, cuma sometimes tak larat nak jawab soalan orang2 sekeliling je.. takpelah, ade orang lain yang lebih besar dugaan nye, kan?! I always hope I'll stay in positive mind state to handle this..
thanks again ya, silent reader..
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