At last, I've completed my Medical posting.. Bestnyaaaaa!!! hihihi.. I've been counting days, hours, minutes and even seconds to finish the 'hell' posting.. Erm.. well, Medical just doesn't suit my soul (chewah!).. hehehe.. but I do enjoy working with the staffs in ward Medical 4, HUKM.. they are superb!! very co-operative staff nurses (usually doctors don't praise the staff nurses but in Med 4, they deserve the praises) and helpful clerk.. The KJ (Ketua Jururawat) is also nice and kind (she belanja me nasi kerabu tau!)..
Actually, takde le teruk sangat this posting.. but I just couldn't stand the 'blaming' session. MOs especially, they will put all the faults and flaws on the HOs.. I've been facing the situations quite few times, and I'm sick of it! But alhamdulillah, I managed to handle it calmly.. At least I've got friends to listen to my mumbling and cries.. (thanks to Bal.. hehehe!) And I know someone is always ready and eager to know my daily updates.. hehehe! Well, I guess I'm losing that someone sooner or later.. I just can feel it..
Okay, enough of it.. Talking about cuti pulak.. at the end of posting, I've got another 8 days of day-off.. Bestnyaaaa lagi skali!!! Huhuhu.. My first cuti-cuti was to JB, attending my Adek's convo.. although takde la buat pape sangat pon, but I do enjoy the moment.. During my convo, it was only me, Abah n Ummi.. so it was dull.. really DULL, I would say.. I hardly remember the day, to tell the truth.. huhuhu.. bad, isn't it? Anyway, few photos on Adek's convo tapi later la masukkan..
Second plan: Kuantan trip... huhuhu! has been planning with asma' and Bal to go to Kuantan.. visiting some of our friends, the final year MBBS whom going for Pro Exam next month.. huhuh.. terkenang kisah lama la.. And not to forget, some of the lecturers.. Nak visit 'anak2 angkat' jugak.. ikan kat tasik.. Mamat tasik ade lagi tak ek?! hehehe...
Third plan: Maybe going to Kelantan with Cik Senah.. Jadi ke tak ek?!
Erm.. I've a dilemma.. And I am surprised with myself.. I am good in lying to myself, because I've been doing that for so many times.. But this time, it's hard.. Probably because part of me is drifting away.. I'm losing part of me.. I don't know how it happened.. But it hurts.. Really hurts..
Case closed.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Hachuum..!! Uhuk Uhuk..

Hehehehe.. berhabuk sungguh dah blog nih.. Bukan malas, tapi memang tak sempat nak update.. Takpelah, let me recapitulate all the events that happened for the past 2 months..
Well, as usual le.. work has been my never-ending responsibility.. but in a way, I do enjoy the 'busyness' of working since I haven't got any other commitments yet.. Few joyful and heart-breaking scenarios happened.. some I've shared with others, but some I just keep to myself.. Being HANIN FARHANA, people hardly know what is in my mind.. hehehe!
Story 1
Staff nurse : Dokter... Dokter dah kawen?
Me : Haa..? Saye nampak macam dah kawen ke?
SN : Hehehe.. Kalo tengok umur, sepatutnye dah.. Tapi kalo tengok orangnye, tak nampak macam dah.. macam muda jek..
Me : Huhuhuhu.. nampak macam budak2 ke? Belum le kak, saye belum kawen.. (akak nurse tuh sebaya saye, and sedang pregnant anak kedua)..
SN : Ermm... dah ade boyfren? (sambil senyum2 gatal..)
Me : Adoi kak.. saye busy kerja, nak carik bf tak sempat le.. lagipon, takde orang nak ni haa...
SN : Haaa.. kalo macam tuh, saye nak kenalkan sorang kat Dokter, boleh? sebaya dengan Dokter.. kawan kepada husband saye..
Me : Uisyy.. itu le tujuan sebenarnye ek..?!
SN : Hehehe.. boleh la Dokter.. dia orang ******** jugak.. kerja Pegawai **** kat M***I... saye tengok Dokter, saye rase sesuai pulak ngan dia..
Me : Herm.. terpulang le, kak.. nak kawan and kenal dulu boleh la kot.. tapi nak lebih2 tuh kena tanye Yang Di Atas..
SN : Hehehee!! Okay! Malam ni jugak saye tanye dia..! (mata bersinar-sinar nih..!)
Me : (dalam hati...) adeh.. mampus aku camni..
Esoknye.... saye baru je masuk dalam ward, lebih kurang pukul 6.45am..
SN : Dokter!!! Sedihnye saye...
Me : Haa.. kenapa? ade patient expired ke? collapse ke?? (cuak betul!!)
SN : Bukan... mamat tuh dah ade gf le.. baru je sebulan.. Rugi betul..
Me : Laaaa.. itu rupenye.. hehehe (fuhhh...lega...) Takpelah, dah dia berkenan kat orang tuh..
SN : Alaaa.. saye dah berbunga-bunga dah nak tgk Dokter dengan dia.. sesuai betul!
Me : Isk... biarle kak.. dah jodoh dia dgn org tuh.. hehehe.. takde la, yang akak sungguh2 sgt nih, kenapa?
SN : sebab saye dah berkenan dgn Dokter dah.. kalo ade abang ke, adik laki ke, saye kenalkan dengan Dokter tau..
Me : lor.. akak yang berkenan kat saye, suruh orang lain pulak tackle saye..
SN : ye laa.. kalo nak suruh Dokter jadi madu saye, sure Dokter tanak.. saye pn tahu husband saye takkan setuju punye..
Me : (gulp..!) Oh tidaaakkkk... tak mungkin, kak.. hehehe..
Story 2
Specialist : Patient ni boleh discharge.. Hanin, u call the family members ek.. I'd like to discuss with them regarding further plan of their father's punye RRT..
Me : Okay boss..
Patient nih a retiree policeman.. Admit to the ward due to kidney failure secondary to diabetes (end-stage).. neighbour found him in the house, alone.. having difficulty in breathing due to fluid overload, causing his lungs and abdomen filled with fluid and hardly breathing.. uraemic symptoms also present..
Me : Haloo.. Puan *** ye? Puan anak kepada Encik *** ke?
Anak 1 : Ye saye.. siape ni?
Me : Saye Dr. Hanin dari HUKM.. puan tahu kan ayah puan ade kat ward dah seminggu dah.. sekarang ni dah boleh keluar le.. boleh ke puan datang amik ayah petang ni? kalo boleh, datang dalam waktu pejabat le sebab kami nak bincang siket pasal further plan and treatment untuk Pakcik ni..
Anak 1 : Macam ni la Dokter, saye boleh datang tapi bukan saye yg jaga ayah saye.. so kalo saye buat keputusan pon, kena atas persetujuan adik beradik yang lain..
Me : Haa.. takpe.. Saye akan sampaikan pada Puan, dan Puan boleh sampaikan pada adik beradik yang lain.. kalo nak senang lagi, panggil le adik beradik yang akan bertanggungjawab atas pakcik ni.. supaya terang dan jelas dgn ape yang jadi pada pakcik ni..
Anak 1 : Okaylah, dalam pukul 2 ptg ni kami datang le..
Me : Okay, terima kasih..
3 orang anak Pakcik malang ni datang.. first time saye nampak diorang.. selama Pakcik ni terlantar kat hospital, sorang pon tak pernah jenguk..
Dipendekkan cerita, rupe-rupenye pakcik ni ditinggalkan sorang kat rumah flat kat area Cheras nih.. anak-anak ade 7 orang, none of them willing to take care of their father.. since dia pon dah End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF), he needs regular dialysis, 3 times per week for the rest of his life.. (he's 80 yrs old, anyway) at first, family tak setuju untuk dialysis tuh sebab takde sesiapa yang sudi nak menghantar dan mengambil Pakcik ni untuk treatment dialysis (padahal takyah masuk ward, just hantar ke pusat dialysis and 4 jam kemudian, amik le balik).. then we Doctors decide for them to take Pakcik back home first and discuss with other family members regarding the plan..
Shockingly, all 3 of them tanak bawak Pakcik balik.. siap boleh negotiate dgn kami, kalo diorang setuju untuk plan dialysis tuh, Pakcik kena stay dalam ward dulu.. none of them willing to take care of him.. dengan hati yang membengkak, saye tanye kenapa tanak bawak Pakcik balik..??
Anak 1 : saye ade anak perempuan yang dah besar.. so tak manis le kalo ayah saye duduk sekali dgn kami..
Anak 2 : Tak lama lagi pilihanraya, Dokter.. saye akan bertanding bagi bahagian saye.. so memang saye akan busy.. susah le saye nak jaga ayah saye kalo dia duduk dengan kami..
Anak 3 : Saye selalu out-station.. kat rumah saye ade isteri, pon bekerja.. susah le Dokter.. lagipon, kalo ayah saye nih dibawa balik, kami akan hantar dia ke rumah flat tu.. dok sorang2 jugak.. takde orang jaga jugak..
Panas hati saye!! Jeng.. jeng.. jeng..
"Encik2 ingat, hospital nih rumah kebajikan ke?? Kesian Pakcik.. saye yang takde pertalian darah dengan dia lebih kenal, kisah and tahu pasal Pakcik ni daripada anak2 sendiri.."..
Diorang senyap... terdiam.. Nurse yang tgk pon terdiam..
In the end, specialist saye setuju benarkan Pakcik tinggal di hospital untuk 2-3 hari.. Sebab kami risau kalo anak2 dia tinggalkan dia sorang2 kat rumah tu lagi..
Jengkel! Malam tu, saye stress.. Depressed and tension! Pening kepala.. Tertekan sebab peristiwa ni.. Saye harap, perkara yang sama akan jadi pada diorang bile diorang dah tua nanti..
Jahat ke saye sebab berharap macam tu???
p/s : saye takkan undi parti itu.. sebab adanye orang macam ni dalam parti itu... Benci!!
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