Alhamdulillah, exam dah habis.. frankly, this is the most hampeh exam i've ever faced.. tak ready langsung..2 days before exam, tidor sepanjang hari sebab tak berapa sihat.. memang menggeletar le nak jawab exam..
MCQ and OSCE were quite hard..PMP jek yang beri sedikit sinar harapan.. arghh..
Clinical exam pulak, memang dah expect akan jadik teruk sket.. just imagine, we are given 1 hour to meet the patient and ask them about their illness, and at the same time examine their body system.. For long case, saye dapat patient yang electively admitted for some procedure yang dia tak tahu kenapa dia kena buat.. after 40 minutes clerking her, i was about to start examining har and the nurse came.. "patient nih nak pergi CT scan sekarang ye.." arrgghhh..saye tak check dia lagi la! Nasib baik Dr. How datang and saved my day.. dia suruh clerk another patient and ...OH MY GOD.... meningitis!! baru le saye faham kenapa saye tergerak hati nak baca meningitis je 2-3 hari before exam... and memang Allah nak tolong, patient nih ade jangkitan Toxoplasma pada otak (cerebral toxoplasmosis) dan dia HIV positive.. the same case yang saye buat untuk case write up cuma patient jek lain.. alhamdulillah...
Short case pulak, pleural effusion..i think a did quite bad and Dr Yousuf pon macam berkerut2 muka.. berdebar2 nak tahu result, alhamdulillah takde orang yang kena re-examine... tak tahu le semua pass ke tak..
Anyway, tomorrow I'm going home.. banyak program nak buat kat rumah nih.. all my siblings berkumpul kat rumah so Abah ajak pi picnic.. Wah..lama tak pi picnic... Apih pon ade dinner college dia and ajak saye temankan.. no problem.. nak cuti puas2... letih dah..
Hairiah nak walimah this coming Sunday, 30th July..kat Seremban.. Alhamdulillah, sorang lagi sahibah yang nak menyempurnakan sebahagian daripada agama.. :) insya-Allah, saye akan sampai ke Seremban nanti...
esok nak balik dah.. rindu kat rumah...
p/s : agak2 nye, saye pass tak? :