Monday, January 16, 2006



Alhamdulillah, settle satu seminar hari nih..goodie goodie, not much doubt and questions being thrown to us..actually, Mr. Amin sendiri pon dah suruh buat sesimple yang boleh so that other frens can capture the facts easily, without having to be sleepy...lagipon, dia nak pergi tempat lain before 4 o'clock..

Okaylah...actually nak share banyak cerita kat sini.. but let me go one by one le..

Ummi dah nak dekat 5 munggu kat Mekah..alhamdulillah, so far she's okay there.. insya-Allah, she'll be coming back to Malaysia end of this month, 30th January 2006.. 31st Jan tuh pulak my parents punye 26th anniversary of being together as husband and wife...waaa! I wonder what sort of present that my Ummi bring back for Abah...u know, my Ummi is a shopping-type lady.. she just can't resist the temptations to go shopping, unlike Abah whom is so careful with his expenditure. I still remember when she went for Umrah last 2 years with Abah..macam2 benda dia nak beli sampaikan coklat kacang bercampur susu unta tuh pon dia nak beli! kalo siket takpe la, masalahnye banyak sampaikan ade lagi dalam peti ais kitorang sekarang nih...anak2 nih mane nak makan benda pelik macam tuh..pergi bawak 2 bag, balik bawak 4 bag!! herm...itu la Ummi saye..bakat shopping dia tuh tak jatuh kepada anak-anak lagi, so far yang saye perati le.. I'm more like Abah..I'll go to a shop with something that I've planned to buy..kalo tidak, sekadar window shopping le..i admit, i'm a little bit stingy towards myself..hahaha!

Ortho posting dah masuk 5th week but i hardly digest whatever i've learnt so far...macam blur jugak lagi ni! padahal dah banyak kali pergi ward and try to learn from the patient... perghhhh.. maybe i haven't try hard enough, huh... need to polish back my anatomy so that i won't face more trouble with Mr. Anatomist in the presentation, satu hapak pon tadak! malas sebenarnye, plus not interested and didn't get the chance yet.. takpelah.. hahahha! that's the problem with me.. i oftenly take things for granted when it involves academic things.. tapi takpe, still room for improvement..lagipon, learning process nih kan for the whole life...hahahahha! bestnye kalo selama2 nye boleh hidup senang macam dulu, sekolah rendah..

Friendship...well, bebaru nih terpaksa buat keputusan yang sangat payah, dengan melukakan hati seorang kawan..bukan sengaja tapi saye tak suke dipaksa..bile saye kate tak nak, that means tak nak.. kalo jadi nak pon, lama2 akan jadi tak nak jugak..jadi, jangan paksa saye buat benda yang saye tak suka, or else akan ade hati yang terluka (chewah!)... harap dia faham, perasaan bukan boleh dipaksa...saye banyak tanggungjawab lain.

Dah le...nak banyak mane time le sambung..hehehe!

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