Assalamualaykum warahmatullah..
Nampaknye, ramai yang mintak saye cerita pasal Kuantan ye.. hehehhe..
Kuantan masih lagi macam dulu.. Life in Kuantan is not as busy as KL.. this is the reason why I agreed to work in Kuantan before, sebab unlikely le nak jam, even kalo kuar time peak hours pon...
What's new? East Coast Mall, of course.. it's a smaller version of Alamanda Putrajaya, I would say.. not bad.. Banyak jugak kedai2 yang menarik..
Pasal hospital pulak, right now I'm in Paeds.. Herm.. altho memula takut nak masuk Paeds bcoz I heard all the bad remarks about the postings.. But hey.. Paeds is not that bad.. workload is tolerable, nurses are quite nice (yang penting, be humble with them..).. Specialists pon takde la teruk.. Okayla, maybe all my colleagues kate I am Dr. S*l*a's favourite tapi bukan saye mintak pon nak jadi his fav.. Anyway, he treats me equally as others, cuma certain opportunities yang HO lain tak dapat, tapi dia bagi saye buat.. Hmmm... but believe me, saye tak amik kesempatan ye.. bila saye buat silap, dia tetap tegur sama macam org lain.. so, pedulik le ape org lain cakap.. yang penting, saye tak pernah tuang kerja.. and advantage working here is that, familiar place and familiar people.. specialists ramai yg lecturer UIA so they easily recognize us..
Sekarang nih, saye dah ade housemate.. My colleague from HUKM whom has been very nice to me.. huhuhu.. bayangkan le, kalo saye on-call, dia akan belikan makanan untuk saye n bawak ke ward.. mane la nak dapat housemate camtu (kecuali le soul-mate, kan Mr. Sunshine?) di zaman2 ini.. hehehe.. Housing area is great, although kitorang tak sempat nak bermesra sgt dgn jiran2.. ye lah, weekend pon kerja.. but at least, we know what is happening to our neighbourhood... Kawan2, (Asma', Aqien, Naja, Shade, Asek, Fadh and all others...) jemput le dtg ke Kuantan, buat gathering.. boleh lepak kat rumah saye.. we have a lot of space.. hehehe.. macam kat rumah Shade jugak le.. boleh pi jalan2 kat Cherating, mandi-manda kat air terjun.. huhuhu..
Isk.. ape lagi yang korang nak tahu ek?! Hehehe.. rasenye cukup la dulu ni ek.. Tak lama lagi saye kena tukar, tak tau dapat klinik kesihatan ke, atau district hospital.. harap2 KK le, sebab saye tanak on-call dah... I'll let u all know, where is my next workplace later ya..
Till then, take care all...
p/s : Jelesnya saye dgn Wazir... Dia dapat pi Palestine.. Cepat-cepat, jom kite same2 bantu diorang dgn ape yang kite ade.. Oh yes, I'm 27 already.. duh...