Friday, November 30, 2007

Kisah Sang Siput..

When someone tells you that you can't do something...

Look around...

Consider all options...

Then GO for it!

Use all the things ALLAH gave you!

Be creative!

In the end, you will succeed and prove them wrong!

p/s: A very good lesson for all of us whenever we meet an obstacle..... be creative and think of a way ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sisa-sisa Jahiliyyah..


Saye tgh browse few website pasal cool pictures and islamic website, until I found this poster.. Kind of struck me on my head le jugak.. Dari dulu, mase zaman2 usrah time student-life dulu lagi dok terfikir, macam mane nak buang sisa-sisa jahiliyyah ni dalam diri kite..

Banyak sgt discussion dalam usrah group, talks and tazkirah yang berbincang mengenai hal ni, but all end up with 2 final conclusions.. first, kalau nak berubah, it always starts from our ownself.. bile timbul keinginan untuk buang perkara2 jahiliyyah dalam diri, jangan bertangguh dan terus buat! sikit demi sikit pon takpe, asalkan istiqamah.. second, adalah lebih mudah untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan sekiranya ade sahabat yang benar2 caring.. yang akan menegur kite, mengajak ke arah kebaikan dan sentiasa mengingatkan kite.. this is the importance of being in usrah groups.. or choosing the right spouse in building baytul-muslim, since it is one of our responsibilities towards ourself in order to ensure that our Imaan will always increasing..

As this is a tazkirah to me, myself, I and the others, let us be steadfast/istiqamah in order to be a better Muslim.. Satu prinsip yang saye pegang.. "Biar susah payah di dunia, asalkan boleh rehat di akhirat nanti.."

p/s: rindu sangat2 kat usrah-mates saye : Asma', Shade, Rena, Aziah, Che' Yah, Faziha, Aimi and Faizah... and all my naqibahs.. huhuhu... nak berusrah balik...

Wahai Hati...


Tazkirah untuk diri yang sedang leka...
Hati ini sudah lama terbiar tanpa tarbiyyah..
Kerana tuntutan kerja dan bebanan tugas..
Takut-takut makin bertambah titik hitam..
Tanpa teman yang setia memberi peringatan..
Diri memang akan terus lalai..
Ya Rabbi, berikanlah hamba-Mu kekuatan..
Kurniakanlah diriku ketabahan..
Semaikanlah semangat untuk istiqamah dalam jiwaku..

Sunday, November 18, 2007



Alhamdulillah, i'll be finishing my O&G posting this week.. starting this Wednesday, i'll be on leave until 30th November.. menghabiskan balance cuti yang ade sebelum masuk posting baru.. next posting is Medicine, the busiest posting so far.. surely tak dapat nak lepak2 macam sebelum nih le.. kalo O&G nih dah busy, Medicine nih lagi busy.. takpelah, at least dapat Surgery last posting.. boleh relax sket..

Last Friday was my last on-call.. kalau sebelum nih, my on-calls were quite relax but the latest one was not.. ade 3 EM-LSCS and 1 suspected ectopic pregnancy punye operation that night.. anyway, still able to sleep for 2 hours.. baru je siap2 nak balik at 7.30am the next morning, another phone call came in.. "Hanin, there's another emergency caeser for you.. poor progress la.. sorry, last minute punye gift.." Neesa told me.. argh! well, at least keja lain dah settle except that one.. and I was late sbb the registrar dah open up the tummy.. it wasn't my fault sbb they told me late.. anyway, Dr. Norizah was kinda nice to me becoz she knew that it was a last minute decision anyway.. everything went on smoothly and I finished up my last on-call peacefully! At last!!! Dah habis O&G..

Actually, I kinda love this posting bcoz the patients are of XX type.. hehehe.. But takpelah, other posting pon okay jugak kan.. sekarang nih, tinggal nak assessment with my supervisor tomorrow and presentation GDM the next day.. then boleh cuti kat rumah.. Hope everything would be okay le.. dah jadik malas nak kerja sbb dok pikir nak cuti jek.. my sisters and I dah plan, nak pi tgk wayang and main bowling.. shopping and pi Times Square le.. awaiting Adek and Kim balik.. Cik Bib is struggling for SPM right now.. tadi pi jenguk dia, nampak ceria jek minah tu.. macam tak exam jek.. anyway, dia bagitahu cita2 baru dia, nak jadi guru pendidikan khas, especially yang mengajar student yang pekak and bisu.. Reason, kelas dia takkan bising and student takkan marah2 or mengumpat dia.. hehehe.. sure peaceful jek kelas dia, katenye.. macam2 le Cik Bib nih.. in a way, mulia jugak le cita2 dia tuh.. hope SPM dia dapat score le..

Last Friday, first time naik ambulan hantar patient ke Hospital Putrajaya.. jumpa Asma'.. happy sgt!! for 2 reasons.. !st, naik ambulans and bunyi siren tuh.. huhuhuh.. best jugak ek.. 2ndly, jumpa my sahabat.. huhuhu.. Yesterday pulak, masa pi Alamanda ngan Fatin, jumpa Dadie, my junior back in SSP.. happy sangat sbb tak sangka dapat jumpa old fren from old skool...

Hmmm.. takde idea dah.. next time le, bile idea melimpah nanti saye akan update balik.. sekarang nih, tak banyak sgt benda nak cerita pun.. So, take care all..

p/s : kepada mereka yang dapat straight A's dalam UPSR lepas, congrats ye.. tak dapat nak wish congrats in person..

Saturday, November 10, 2007

What Do You Think?

" kalau ingin menabur bakti, biarlah sampai ke hujung nyawa..
kalau ingin menyemai budi, biarlah dikenang walau sudah tiada.."

p/s : anyone second for organ donation? hands up please..