Today went to HUKM to survey the way to my new workplace... It took about 30mins to reach there from Putrajaya (minus the traffic jam).. and a friend of mine told me not to be late from house because that area is a potential area for traffic jam.. with a lot of educational institutions.. anyway, glad to know that the highway is quite familiar to me.. wah...
Last night, I met my lecturer back in IIUM.. Mr. Hafiz and wife.. they were in Alamanda, doing some shopping.. wahahaha! glad enough to know that he still remember me.. and he said HUKM is good place for housemanship... bersemangat sket nak keja..
Yesterday, went to a walimah in MBSA.. :-) very very happy and grateful to be around his family members and relatives yang sangat ramah, welcoming and warm... orang tuh jadik 'penyepit', kipas pengantin macam kipas sate jek... huhuhu! anyway, u look cool le.. hehehehe! insya-Allah, next year ek..
Jap lagi nak buat checklist to start working.. ape2 borang yang kena bawak and prepare the books and reading stuff that may be useful later.. huhuhu! lama sungguh cuti, 3 months... memang dah berkarat otak nih.. nasib baik still ingat the sequence utk sambut baby tuh camane.. isk... teruja nye nak kerja! anyway, my self-inking stamp pon dah siap.. mamak tukang buat rubber stamp tuh siap pesan suruh ingat muka dia supaya senang dia nak amik ubat... isk.. ingat saye nih tukang bagi ubat ke?
So, okaylah.. sekian terima kasih buat mase nih.. huhuhu..