At last, dah nak habis satu lagi block dlm 4th year nih..cepat betul masa berlalu, macam tak sedar jek dah nak masuk ortho..ORTHO??? Arghh..!!! all my friends yang dah masuk ortho complaining about the busy and hectic life in that posting...pergh..sedangkan Public Health and Family Medicine ni pon dah busy bagi saye, apetah lagi ortho nanti..hmm..better enjoy betul2 mase cuti nanti so that i won't get depression syndrome bile masuk ortho..
Next Tuesday dah nak final exam..menggelabah jugak tapi tak tahu nak buat camane dah..rase macam tak bersedia langsung nak exam nih.. dah le takde revision week.. memang tak patut betul la buat camtu..nak students jawab question superbly tapi tanak bagi revision week..camane tuh?! hmmm....bantai jelah, asalkan saye tahu saye dah buat yang terbaik..
Last weekend, i went for a home visit with Raihan and Suhana..we decided to choose a postnatal case where the mother is just gave birth to a baby boy last 5 days.. mase mintak idea dari nurses kat klinik tuh, they highly suggested this case since there are a lot of social problems involve..well, i'm not suppose to reveal the identity of my patient but just to share with all of u regarding the other aspects of life that we never experienced..(well, i never thought of being in her condition, anyway..nauzubillah)
Let's call her Mdm ES..she's 30 yr old and married to a lorry driver. This is the second child with history of miscarriages 3 times before. Her eldest son is approaching 2 year old this coming january....duduk dalam kawasan kilang bata tuh, diorang dapat satu rumah kecik yang sangat dhaif..toilet pon kena share ngan other occupants kat rumah kongsi tuh.. kesimpulannya, rumah tuh sgt kecik dan tak selesa..pack sgt.. husband dia pulak baru sekali jek balik since dia bersalin, just malam dia bersalin tuh jek..then lesap tak tahu ke mana..dah le rumah sebelah tuh org Vietnam bujang yang duduk ramai-ramai..macam menakutkan jek cara diorang pandang kitorang mase kitorang sampai.. and pernah ade history ade Indonesian woman yang kena rogol and she lived in the same house yg Mdm ES nih duduk... after borak-borak ngan akak nih and interview pasal dia punye life, jelas yang dia sangat tertekan dan feel lonely bile husband dia buat camtu.. few times le jugak, bile dia dah bengang sangat, anak lelaki sulung dia yang kena bantai ngan dia..kesian budak kecik tuh tak pasal-asal kena pukul ngan mak..akak tuh pon cakap dia betul2 need attention from her husband and frankly, she's quite desperate le nampaknye.. isk.. nak beli makanan pon takde orang yang boleh tolong.. nak buat keja berat-berat pon dia tak larat.. as the conclusion, kalo dibiarkan keadaan dia nih, dia boleh dapat post-partum psychosis or gila meroyan le dalam layman term.. dia belum namakan anak lelaki dia yang baru lahir and ask for our opinion.. i suggest a name and she seemed happy with the name...Luqman Hakim... :)
Daripada kisah akak nih, saye baru tersedar yang dugaan hidup nih datang dalam banyak cara.. kesusahan, kesenangan, kemewahan dan kemiskinan...semua tuh dugaan, nak tgk kite bersyukur ke tak... so, pengajaran yang saye boleh dapat, restu keluarga tuh sgt penting dalam menentukan pilihan masa depan kite.. thus, saye tanak buat keputusan yang boleh mengecewakan parents saye, especially Ummi...
Itu je kot...sekian. Doakan kami berjaya dalam exam kali nih.. wallahua'lam..
Saye sedih ngan someone hari nih..makin lama pendam, makin tak tahan.. terase macam diri saye nih asyik dipergunakan..nak cakap direct, saye tahu dia takkan berubah..nak suruh orang lain cakapkan, saye tak suke melibatkan pihak ketiga..dia tak perasan ke? rasenye saye dah bagi banyak hint yang menggambarkan bahawa saye tak suke perbuatan dia tuh... BOSANNYE!!! Malas nak layan....
Allah Knows Best Allah knows what's best for us, So why should we complain ... We always want the sunshine, But Allah knows there must be rain.
We love the sound of laughter And the merriment of cheer; But our hearts would lose their tenderness If we never shed a tear.
Allah tests us often With suffering and with sorrow; He tests us, not to punish us, But to help us meet "tomorrow."
For growing trees are strengthened When they withstand the storm; And the sharp cut of the chisel Gives the marble grace and form.
Allah never hurts us needlessly, And Allah never wastes our pain; For every loss Allah sends to us Is followed by rich gain.
And when we count the blessings That Allah has so freely sent; We will find no cause for murmuring And no time to lament.
For Allah loves us, And to Allah all things are plain; So Allah never sends us "pleasure" When the "soul's deep need is pain."
So whenever we are troubled, And when everything goes wrong, It is just Allah working in us To make "our spirits strong."
Assalamualaikum...alhamdulillah, back in one piece after Eid holiday..terubat rindu saye nak jumpa ngan Ma (my maternal Grandma) dan sepupu-sepupu yang comel dan montel.. Kat kampung tuh, biase la kena jadik all-rounders since saye adalah cucu perempuan yang paling kena jadik bibik kat dapur as well as jadik guru tadika mengasuh babies..takpe, preparation to be a real 'mother' nanti..hahahaha! kidding okay.. mase raye ketiga tuh, teringat lagi tetiba jek dari pagi ade ramai orang ziarah rumah kami..ape lagi, jadik pembancuh air professional le saye..tak putus-putus sampai le ke Zuhur..nasib baik le ade Adek yang menolong. Kalo kena kutuk air tak sedap pon, at least sama-sama kena kutuk...takde la saye sorang...
Musim perayaan nih, Kelantan specifically kampung saye Pasir Mas was very crowded..asal nak bergerak dengan kereta jek, sure traffic jam punye la...tension gak kekadang sampaikan rase malas je nak keluar rumah..cuma, satu yang saye perasan, Kelantanese are a high-risk behaviour group in terms of road/traffic users...daripada bus, lorry and car drivers sampai le ke motorbikers, yang naik basikal, pembawa beca mahupon pejalan kakinye...pergh..!! tertekan jugak jiwa bile ade atas jalan tuh nak menghadap kerenah orang yang tak ikut peraturan dan buat jalanraya macam hakmilik dia...jalanraya nih Samy Vellu yang punya tau!! ntahle, cakap lebih2 kang terasa pulak...
After raye, my academic and non-academic schedules are quite unbelieveably pack.... this is the list of my unfinished tasks... 1) case write-up OPD 2) KAP scoring of Breast Cancer yang public health punye kerja research 3) projek Gumum (since Andak takde, i have to take over his job..kan senang kalo dia ade kat Kuantan..nyeh nyeh nyeh!) 4) Home Visit punye report 5) Seminar Domestic Violence.. 6) study nak exam lagi....
Overall, i think i have to rearrange my schedule supaya sempat nak siapkan mane2 yang penting and nak dekat dateline dulu...non-academic works (eg. main basketball, swimming and etc.) yang tertangguh pon kena buat jugak..argh! sape kate 4th year nih honeymoon year?? Honeymoon cystitis aku...!!
Okaylah, nak buat benda yang sepatutnye all my frens, Babeh, Asek, Asma' Ghajo, Shade, Ana, Maton, Lini, and sumer2 yang tak sempat nak mention kat sini, just nak wish u all.... EID MUBARAK AND MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US....