Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dah dapat duduk rumah baru.. :) after husband balik, memang the whole time was focused on preparing our new house.. nak beli furnitures lagi, itu lagi, ini lagi.. ye lah, kat Kuantan dulu kami duduk rumah yang fully furnished.. just beli peti ais and washing machine je.. thus, for this house, kena la beli baru jugak.. walaupon rumah kuarters kerajaan, tapi nak la rase homely jugak.. :)
Ideas of decorating came from my husband and I, family members, a fren of hubby whom happened to be an ID, and also from all the magazines ID yang saye beli.. no specific concept but we want it to be clean and simple.. not so crowded with all the furnitures.. cosy and comfy..
House warming were attended by families, neighbours and friends.. About 120-150 attended... Thanks to all... Walaupon penat, tapi puas hati sebab dapat jumpa semua dan dapat jamu makan.. :)
Next plan : JALAN-JALAN... where to??? Rahsia....