Assalamualaykum wbt..
Saye dah masuk posting baru, which means my last posting in HUKM.. started Surgery posting on 1st April.. as usual, first day of work memang tak tahu nak expect ape.. I was put in Breast and Endocrine Team.. and guess who is my boss..??? My lecturer back in IIUM Kuantan, MR. SHAHRUN!!! but in a way, it's a good motivation for me.. saye tanak le memalukan lecturer sendiri kan.. alhamdulillah, my former IIUM mate pon same team ngan saye so ade le orang yg dikenali..
People said, Surgery is a relax posting.. they even have the chance to eat TDS (three times per day) which exclude dinner.. herm.. sure ah that relax?? my opinion is, it depends on how you work laa.. kalo buat kerja lambat, sure la lambat nak makan.. kalo kerja cepat siap, takde kerja la pulak nanti.. boring le pulak.. herm... anyway, it's too early for me to judge this.. tengok le, after 1 month, I'll tell u what my opinion on Surgery..
Today, I went to book fair in PWTC with Aqien... Kelabu mata!!! semua buku kalo boleh nak beli.. ooohhh... how I love being surrounded by books (non-academic la!).. and with careful selections, I bought 4 books :
1. Surat Ungu Untuk Nuha (by Noor Suraya)
- somebody recommends this book for me and I trust her.. she has a similar taste with me in selecting reading materials..
2 & 3. Kekasih Sam Po Bo and Surat-surat Perempuan Johor (by Faisal Tehrani)
- actually, takde la nak beli sangat tapi bile nampak Faisal Tehrani was there, I think why hesitate.. hehehe.. anyway, I like his writing.. highly recommend buku "Tunggu Teduh Dulu" to all of u.. saye dapat signature Faisal Tehrani on my books!! hehehe...
4. Sulaman Manik (by sape ntah)
- actually this is for my Ummi.. she has a new hobby : menjahit manik.. so I bought this book, which shows a lot of technique and designs on beading.. in the end, Ummi will jahit manik for me jugak.. hehe.. win-win situation..
Basically, I enjoy my visit to this book fair.. Yes, I am a book-worm.. so what.. hehehe.. ade few books yang saye usha nak beli, tapi rase macam tanak le overspend.. lagipon, I've to pay the down-payment for my new house.. kopak le pulak nanti..
Okaylah, ini je kot.. bile saye dah habis baca all the books, I'll tell u all the synopsis and my opinion regarding the books ye..
Take care, all...
p/s : selamat belayar kepada yang berkenaan.. chaiyok!! :P