Well, here I am again.. writing in this blog from UTM Skudai.. actually, I am visiting my sister Dalila for the weekend, after a hectic day of exam last Wednesday.. Well, exam is supposed to be the time when u are assessed by the examiners (that are our own lecturers or KKM doctors).. u are being assessed in terms of knowledge in medical field, rapport with patient, self confidence, fluency in communicating and of course, how to manage patient as a whole.. however, this is the first time i felt as if i was bullied by my own lecturers! this is unfair... the examiners didn't even prepared themselves to take me for exam.. Mr.F told me it's okay if i couldn't complete my PE since the patient was in pain.. but Mr. Z scolded me because i didn't complete it.. hallo so-called brilliant surgeons, discuss le dulu before throw out any instructions to me.. u are not only confusing the student, but also making them 'jengkel' of u...
okay, cukup le for exam portion.. ape2 yang jadik mase result kuar, i dun really mind.. as long as i know i have done the best, the others are no big deal for me.. talking about the previous event, last 26th January was my birthday.. duh.. i am 25 year old already.. :-/ early morning, saye sempat mengucapkan pada diri saye sendiri, "Selamat Pendek Umur".. betul le kan, makin bertambah umur kite, makin dekat kite nak kembali pada Dia, maka makin pendek le umur kite.. banyak lagi perkara yang saye nak achieve before saye balik jumpa Dia... kalo orang lain mintak supaya dipanjangkan umur, saye mintak supaya dipermudahkan urusan dan dipelihara hati supaya tak termasuk dalam golongan yang Dia benci... Ameenn...
tomorrow I am going back to Putrajaya.. since Fatin dah masuk asrama (SMAP Kajang), my parents tinggal berdua jek.. hehehe! macam baru2 kawen le pulak.. and i heard from Kimah that si Fatin really enjoy her school very much.. makcik tuh nak berniaga meggi le pulak kat asrama.. orang suruh pegi belajar, bukan berniaga.. ikut Ummi betul le si Fatin tuh..
Next posting would be Psychiatry.. dealing with people whom having mental illness.. actually, psychiatric illness is not only a medical problem but also a social concern.. once seseorang itu dilabel sebagai ade masalah mental, masyarakat sekitar especially yang tahu dan kenal dia akan memandang serong... lagi susah kalo pesakit itu dipulaukan dan dibenci.. sedangkan mereka nih perlu dibantu dan diberi sokongan oleh orang lain supaya dapat pulih semula..
mungkin kite tak tahu dan tak sedar, sebenarnye kite jugak sakit.. sakit mental jugak... cuma sebab orang lain tak tahu dan kite sendiri tak mengaku..
okaylah, panjang pulak dah.. since my Professional Exam is just around the corner (end of April), i probably will slow down in this blogging thing.. doakan kami semua supaya berjaya pass ye..
p/s: Mr Sunshine, thanks for the cute and lovely gift.. :-p frankly, sayang nak guna.. maybe i'll use it when the time comes.. suke sangat!