Friday, September 30, 2005


Nih gambar kat depan Pejabat Kesihatan Jerantut..left : Fairuz, Asma', Hanin, Kak Alin..


Baru tiba dari Jerantut tengah hari tadi..alhamdulillah, so far so good cuma masih agak blur dengan research..what i can tell for the time being is that, it's not that simple and easy..a lot of tribulations and preparations are needed..pergh! Anyway, i do enjoy myself in Jerantut, following the Inspektor Kesihatan doing their job (Dengue Survey, fogging, Food Quality Control, bla..bla..bla..)..

Not only that, i also got the chance to sharpen my cooking skills..hehehehe.. well, i'm not really good in cooking but at least i have the effort to learn from someone who is better.. hehehe.. nak masak nasi beriyani dah boleh le..kari ayam? mee kari? no problem...just name it! dah pandai dah..

Ramadhan is just around the corner..tak sabar rasenye! nak terawikh and bukak puasa sama-sama sahabat..pastu nak bukak puasa same family..Ummi and Abah.. oh ya! Abah happily sms-ed me and told that he already bought his dream car...Mercedes! tak ingat le model ape.. but trust me, we the siblings have been hearing to his hope and dream about buying the car since our school days, u know! Alhamdulillah, tercapai jugak hasrat Abah..bangga jugak sebab dapat jugak dia beli dengan hasil usaha dan titik peluh dia Abah comes from a poor family.. in fact, a broken family...panjang kisahnye..sometimes bile teringat kisah Abah mase kecik dulu, saye jadik insaf dan tanak terlalu bermewah-mewah. Rase macam tak patut jek kalo terlalu boros membelanjakan duit Abah sedangkan Abah dah mengharungi seribu satu pahit getir sebelum sampai ke tahap ni..ditipu bussiness partner, rugi dalam perniagaan, tak dapat tender...semua tuh dah jadik asam garam kehidupan Abah...isk..sedih pulak...

Okaylah...setakat ini sahaja...nanti saye update lagik..take care all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooo, kat jerantut rupenye...patutla lama tak nampak kt uia