Friday, April 22, 2005

Thursday Morning in My Room???

Right now, I’m having breakfast sambil dgr lagu ‘Mengapa’ by Nicky Astria yang tgh berkumandang melalui laptop kuning abang saye yang dah beberapa kali bertukar tangan between 3 persons, Abe, Adek and bile ade abang yang begitu sporting macam Abe..he’ll try his best to help the other siblings (especially me!) if any one of us are in need (again…especially me..) And he’s the type yang susah nak marah orang and very very kind-hearted.. Once, my Abah pernah cakap kat kitorang adik-beradik mase tengah cakap-cakap pasal Abe (well, of course Abe was not around le..) “bukan senang korang nak dapat abang yang baik, tak pernah marah, responsible and bla bla bla…” well…my Abah is not the type yang suka puji orang but when he makes a good comment about someone, that means orang tuh memang deserve the compliments.. Anyway, saye memang rase bertuah dapat abang macam Abe saye..even some of my friends yang pernah kenal Abe pon said the same thing about him..kan Shade??! Hehehe…bestnye!!

Sedap le pulak sandwich tuna and egg + cheese yang saye buat nih…nyum nyum! Lately suke pulak buat breakfast sendiri because rase mcm puas hati and save money. Ye la kan, sekarang nih JPA scholarship pon dah habis and terpaksa menumpang simpati from Abah and Ummi untuk monthly expenses..luckily I’m not the shopping-type so takde le rase sempit sangat hidup tak berduit nih..makan pon tak banyak.. Sometimes I only eat once in a day…nasi pon tak berapa makan dah, just makan lauk friends pon pelik how can I survive without eating rice.. biase je rasenye…in fact, this is the best diet I’d ever try (hahaha..nih le 1st time saye restrict my food intake. Kalo tidak pakai belasah je, asalkan tak pedas).. bukan sebab nak kurus tau tapi just nak try the Atkin’s diet @ diabetic diet yang pernah disyorkan oleh my uncle (a doctor, GP).. He said it’s good to control your diet from early stage rather than getting the disease then baru nak kecoh-kecoh start diet..alah, kalo benda yang baik, ape salahnye try, kan?! Memula, memang ade byk negative response among people around me about my eating habit tapi peduli ape..saye bukannye beli makanan guna duit diorang. In fact, saye tak kacau hidup diorang pon.. Well, maybe le kacau sket otak and mata diorang…kalo makan kat foodcourt yang bebudak UIA Kuantan slalu pergi (nama dirahsiakan sebab nanti ramai pulak yang bertumpu ke situ sebab nak tengok saye makan..nyeh nyeh nyeh…), mesti ade jek orang yang menoleh and staring at me while I’m finishing my meal, usually lauk ikan, daging or ayam with vegetables. Jadi tumpuan le pulak..hehehe..

Okaylah, nak sambung buat case write-up..esok nak hantar. Petang ade long-case presentation dgn Dr. K.A…present the same case jelah! Malas nak cari case baru.. So, have a nice day, friends…assalamualaikum..

p/s : sape yang nak tahu pasal Atkin’s diet tuh, boleh le inform saye..:)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

New Hobby and New Little Friends...:)

Hadeh…! Penat betul hari nih. Ade 3 long case presentations and alhamdulillah, saye mampu bertahan dalam ketiga-tiga session.. mujurlah Allah mengurniakan saye mata yang susah nak mengantuk dalam kelas..walaupun ramai member2 seperjuangan yang dah pun ‘syahid’ ataupun melepek kepenatan, saye masih mampu menumpukan perhatian. Sebenarnye dari skolah lagi mmg saye bukan jenis yang tido dalam kelas…I still remember when I was in Form 5, my deskmate was Mocque, the sleepy-head girl but she’s very bright..walaupon mata dia pejam tapi bile ditanya soalan pape pon kat dia, dia boleh jawab. Kalo dia nak tido, mesti dia pesan pada saye, “Nin, kalo cikgu tengok arah aku, tolong kaver..kalo cikgu nampak, kejut tau…” hehehe… anyway, she ended-up being our best student with 10A1 in SPM…bangga juga jadi kawan dia..currently she’s in Glasgow doing Medicine and still one of the best student there, perhaps..

Oh ya, berbalik pada cerita saye…waktu petang, macam biasa saye akan menghabiskan masa dengan hobi baru saye, bagi ikan makan kat tasik di Taman Bandar…hehehe! Kenapa, nak cakap saye jiwang ke? Ahaks..cakaplah ape saja asalkan saye tahu ape yang saye buat tak mengganggu orang lain.. Actually, dah almost 1 month le jugak saye berkecimpung dengan hobi baru nih…bukan ape, seharian memerah otak belajar dan lepas penat bertugas di hospital, nak le jugak rehat-rehat otak…lagipon, banyak benda yang saye dapat dengan hanya memberi makan roti kepada ikan-ikan tu. Terlalu banyak! Bukan setakat seronok melihat ikan-ikan tu berebut roti tapi saye jugak dapat merasakan satu kepuasan yang tak dapat saye bayangkan..rase lega otak ni.. Memikirkan tentang kebesaran ciptaan Allah dan mencari ilmu baru tentang kehidupan seolah-olah satu keseronokan yang tak dapat saye gambarkan…Bukan tu sahaja, saye mendapat ramai kawan baru dari hobi saye ni.

I still remember the 3 siblings that I met last Sunday.. Aina, Aida dan Ariff..umur mereka dalam lingkungan 4-7 kakak Aida agak petah bercakap dan bijak nampak gayanya…Aina pulak agak pendiam tapi lebih suke memerhati apa yang saye lakukan..Ariff yang comel tuh pulak agak kelakar..walaupon ketiga-tiga mereka memanggil saye Auntie (terasa diri nih tua le pulak!) tapi seronok melayan telatah mereka…Ariff busy bertanya pada saye “Auntie, dalam tasik nih takde ikan duyung ke? Kalo ade ikan duyung laki mesti macho kan?! Ikan makan rumput tak? Macam mane diorang tido, Auntie?” herm..tak pernah le pulak saye terpikir ade ikan duyung laki yang macho…! Soalan si Aida pulak agak direct and really makes me laugh… “Auntie dah jadi isteri ke belum?” wooo…terkedu jugak saye! Hehehe…. saye hanya senyum dan bertanya kepada dia kenapa dia tanye soalan tu..dia hanya tersenyum dan menjawab “Ade laa..” isk..tak puas hati ngan jawapan dia tapi takpelah, malas nak piki..kang kalo layan lebih-lebih, takut saye yang termalu sendiri…so saye jawab pada dia “Belum le, sayang…Auntie belajar lagi. Pakwe pon Auntie takde lagi..” dia gelak je. Aina hanya mendengar dan senyum…kami berjanji nak berjumpa lagi Ahad akan datang kerana mereka bersekolah petang dan hanya datang ke tasik pada petang Ahad…tak sabar rasenye nak berjumpa dengan sahabat-sahabat kecil saye nih..

Well…serba sedikit celoteh untuk kali nih..actually, I’m kinda busy finishing my case write-up and completing my clerking sheets to be passed up to the lecturer this Friday. Next week, the final year students are having their 2nd Professional Exam so we are not allowed to go to the ward for about 5 days…hope all of them will pass with flying colours. Anyway, graduating the MBBS is just the beginning of the real life as a doctor…there are a lot of obligation and works waiting for the new HO to be settled. Well, for the sake of Allah and the Muslim ummah, this is the best that I can contribute…Allah, please help me to be strong..

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Saye baru saje selesai menonton vcd Tak Bai..sekali lagi, air mata saye menitis. Kali ini penuh dengan rase dendam dan benci hinggakan dada saye rase penuh! Dahlah dengan hidung yang masih lagi block due to flu.. nasib baik jugak ade alasan demam selesema..takdelah kawan-kawan lain tertanya kenapa hidung saye merah dan mata berair pagi-pagi hari nih…:)

Sampai begitu sekali murahnye maruah org Islam sampai diperkotak-katikkan sedemikian rupa..selamba jek askar Thai tuh nak belasah, sepak terajang, pelangkong sesuka hati diorang… kalo kena kat diorang sendiri, baru padan muka..hati saye hanya mampu berdoa..

Ya Allah, Kau tunjukkanlah kuasa-Mu pada musuh-musuh Islam yang sengaja mencari padah... Kau lindungilah seluruh ummat Islam di serata dunia.. Kau berilah mereka kekuatan untuk memperoleh syahid, kurniakan mereka kesabaran yang tinggi supaya mereka masih teguh dengan keimanan terhadap-Mu.. Ya Allah, musnahkanlah kafir laknat yang terus-terusan mencabar-Mu…hancurkan mereka, Ya Allah…
Kurniakan aku hati yang sentiasa mengingati-Mu..supaya diriku ini tidak lupa untuk berdoa memohon keampunan dari-Mu…supaya lidah ini tidak kering mendoakan saudara seIslamku..supaya mindaku ini sentiasa teringat akan kebesaran-Mu…

….:( to all friends yang tgh baca blog saye nih, jgn lupa supaya mohon doa kepada Allah lindungi Muslimin semua dari kekejaman musuh-musuh Islam.. kalo nak mampu nak menyumbang wang, silakanlah… nak berjihad berperang melawan mereka, teruskanlah… tapi jangan lupa teruskan berdoa kerana doa merupakan kekuatan kite sebagai Muslim….Allahu akbar!

Mahathir meets Mahathir..

Herm..bergenang airmata saye bila baca newspaper this morning and saw the photo of cute Mahathir from Acheh, smiling innocently in a way which i personally think is too cute, with Dr. Mahathir beside him..saye mengikuti kisah adik Mahathir ni sejak beberapa hari yang lalu..dalam newspaper smalam, penulis yang bersungguh-sungguh menemukan adek Mahathir dengan idola beliau menceritakan bagaimana tinggi harapan adek Mahathir yang sebelum ini hanyalah satu angan-agan bagi dirinya..seorang anak yatim piatu yang hidup berdikari dan mengamalkan kehidupan sebagai seorang Muslim yang dididik dengan sempurna mengikut nilai-nilai Islam. Bertuah sungguh kedua-dua arwah ibu bapanya...walaupon tinggal sebatang kara di dunia yang sedang dikemudi oleh arus jahiliyyah ni, seorang anak yatim piatu masih mampu menegakkan khilafah Islam, mungkin bukan pada mana-mana negara tapi cukuplah dalam diri seorang kanak-kanak yang masih berusia 9 tahun..

Kagum...terharu..perasaan bangga menyelinap ke seluruh tubuh saye. At the same time, rase malu jugak sebab kanak-kanak di Malaysia ni jauh lebih mewah berbanding dengan mereka di Acheh namun itu semua sudah menjadikan anak-anak Muslim di sini 'spoilt'...ape yang mampu saye lakukan? ape yang terdaya saye sumbangkan supaya generasi Islam yang akan datang akan kembali ke landasan Islam yang sebenar?..baru tersedar hati dan jiwa saye perlu kuat untuk memikul beban dakwah yang telah Allah syariatkan atas kite semua..

Anyway, too much things to be done..yang penting, saye akan berusaha untuk kekal di atas jalan tarbiyyah yang pernah saye kecapi nikmat dan ketenangan walaupon ramai sahabat2 yang bersama-sama saye dulu nampaknye seakan tersungkur sudah sedangkan kami masih lagi di pinggir medan tarbiyyah yang sebenar.. Allah, berikan kekuatan pada saye untuk istiqamah atas jalanMu ini..

Well, terdetik dalam hati saye, adek Mahathir inilah idola kerdil saye..:) teringin nak bersua muka satu hari nanti..

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Syndromic Facies

Being an adolescent, we are all aware that we are now at the peak of our life where our physical appearance is at its best morphology. The skin is tight and smooth. Everything is in shape…well, most of it if not all. One of the most important part of an adolescents life is the approximately 100π cm2 area of the body which lies the eyes, the nose and the mouth. Yep, its none other than…the face!

Face is one of the biggest test especially for those who are young and single. People like…us! You can try to deny it. You maybe a person who never by anything for the well being of your face like moisturizers, cream and stuffs, but hey…don’t tell me you can pass a day without looking at the mirror!For some people, face is so important that they would spend hundreds or even thousands to have a great look. The conclusion of this paragraph is, truly, for most of us, face plays a very important role in one’s life.

As Muslim, we should be thankful to Allah for sending us the Holy Book and Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. to guide us in every aspects of life. As long as we hold on to this guidance, Insya-Allah we shall always be in the right tract. When talking about appearance, it was narrated by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet SAW said :

“ Verily, Allah does not look at your body and appearance but He looks at your intention and sincerity in your heart”. (Muslim)

Thus, I would like to remind myself and all dear readers to reflect back upon ourselves. The face of ours maybe smooth and tight today, but remember that it shall one day become wrinkled and rough. When the time comes, this face, which we are now very proud of, shall be a free treats to the underground worms and insects. The point is, let us stop being too proud of our physical appearance. Let us concentrate on the more permanent spiritual appearance instead.

As Muslims, we believe that this currently hidden spiritual appearance will actually determine how we shall look like in the Hereafter. In surah ‘Abasa:

38) Some faces that Day will be bright (true believers of Islamic Monotheism)
39) Laughing, rejoicing at good news (of Paradise)
40) And other faces that Day will be dust-stained
41) Darkness will cover them
42) Such will be the kafarah (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and His Messenger Muhammad saw), the fajarah (wicked evil doers)

I don’t think I have to elaborate on the above verse. One more thing why I love Islam is its simplicity in telling things…soooo beautiful, muah!

I remember one day, my usrah group was discussing on this surah after finish reciting it. During the discussion we found out that there are two main syndromic facies in the Hereafter. Bright faces would be that of the true believers while dark, dust-stained faces would be that of the Kafarah, the Fajarah.
In the medical field, we learn about so many different types of syndromic facies, and if you can recall, most of these facies are associated with a certain heart problem. Let me list down a few examples that I can remember.

Down’s Syndrome : Atrioventricular Septal Defect
Marfan’s Syndrome : Aortic Regurgitation
Turner’s Syndrome : Coarctation of Aorta

It seems that in the physical world our faces can tell what type of heart problem we have inside of us. This is actually parallel to what shall happen in the Hereafter…our faces will tell what type of heart (in its spiritual meaning) problem we had inside. Subhanallah…may Allah guide us all..Amin..

This is an article I read from Intrigue, the Kulliyyah of Medicine's mag...kinda true..boleh relate between medical knowledge and Allah's creation...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Mixed Feelings...


Alhamdulillah, today is Friday..kalo dulu, i love Friday bcoz it's near to weekend and boleh cuti foor 2 days and do whatever i feel like, dah tukar perception..i love Friday sebab Penghulu Segala Hari and sebab congregational prayer of Jumuah...i just love this day..bukan le hari lain tak suker cuma Jumaat nih special day..:)

Anyway, hari nih started with a good case presentation by Shikin J. Prof Tahir yang comel + kelakar + selamba tuh berjaya membuatkan hari ini menjadi agak ceria..rase bersemangat nak gi jumpa patient and clerk them with a wiser manner sepertimana yang Prof Tahir ajar..he's my idol anyway..

balik jek JHC, gi library nak check email..ade lak mangkuk ayun mane ntah nih menghantar email yang tak senonoh to my account. Bukan satu, tapi DUA...haaaa.. hangin satu badan. lantas saye tanpa rase ragu-ragu lagi terus menyerang balas dgn menghantar email 'kecaman' pada makhluk tak reti bahasa tuh..this is not the first time he did this. and this is not the first time i warned him! kalo dia buat lagi, saye nak ajak dia bersemuka...hehehe..macam berani jek!

Then, bukak friendster and nampak one bulletin posted by Bro.'s about a du'a read by someone after tarawikh prayer in Ramadhan 1422..sesape yang nak dgr du'a tuh boleh try this address...

hayati dan aminkan du'a tuh...

okaylah..need to fill up my stomach with something coz pagi tadi developed diarrhea.. hehehe..see ya next time.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Stupid Questions With A Smart Answers..ehehe..

BOY : May I hold your hand? >
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy. > >

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me! >
BOY : You love me... > >

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring?? >
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number?? > >

GIRL : I think the poorest people are the happiest. >
BOY : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple > >

GIRL : Darling, I want to dance like this forever. >
BOY : Don't you ever want to improve?? > >

BOY : I love you and I could die for you! >
GIRL : How soon?? > >

BOY : I would go to the end of the world for you! >
GIRL : Yes, but would you stay there?? > >

SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss?? >
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth. > >

MAN : You remind me of the sea. >
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting? >
MAN : NO, because you make me sick. > >

WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other. >
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth. > >

MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What do u think, >Peter? >
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly. > >

Girlfriend : "...And are you sure you love me and no one else ?" >
Boyfriend : "Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday". > >

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?" >
Pupil : "The moon". >
Teacher : "Why?" >
Pupil : "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives >us light only in the day time when we don't need it". > >

Teacher : "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are >no longer interested?" >
Pupil : "A teacher". > >

Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?" >
Customer : "What other colors do you have?" >

My father is so old that when he was in school, history was called >current affairs. > >

Teacher : "Sam, you talk a lot !" >
Sam : "It's a family tradition". >
Teacher : "What do you mean?" >
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher". >
Teacher : "What about your mother?" >
Sam : "She's a woman". > >

Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?" >
David: "You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance >repeated". > >

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A New Life..


Well, seems like this is the first post from me..just to get use to this blog things..actually, teruja nak ade blog jugak bile tgk blog orang lain yang sgt menarik..hehehe..kinda lambat nak buat decision since most of my time dah being occupied by other commitment, especially studies, hope boleh istiqamah dalam hal nih... Next time, i'll explain why i want to have my own blog at the first place...
anyway, i'm new in this field so anyone yang ade extra knowledge and kind-hearted enough to be my 'sifu' to make this blog more meaningful and interesting, do leave a message ek..?! thanks in advance..ilalliqa'..