Saturday, June 30, 2007

It's About Time..

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The offer letter from SPA just arrived today... at first, I was " oh my... dah kena start keja ke?".. but after opening it, no date stated yet... phew.... hehehe! In a way, rase berat jugak nak start keja after 2 months of enjoying life... kena buat medical check up pulak... isk.. macam nak masuk skolah or Univ. le pulak.. next week le..

Today also, is my bro, Hafiz's birthday.. he's 21 now. You've grown up le, bro! hehehe.. hope all the best things happen in your life, and semoga Allah permudahkan semua perkara le..

Last Monday (25th June), ade orang tuh sambut birthday jugak.. hehehe.. siyan dia, saye tak dapat nak beli hadiah pape lagi.. nanti le, 1st gaji nanti boleh tebus hadiah balik ek.. but, takde hadiah tak semestinya saye tak ingat ye... sorry, no flowery poem or wishes for you.. just a simple one which I created from my "berkarat" brain.. and heart.. and after all things that had happened, (yang tak berapa best tuh..) I think if we look at the positive side, it is not that bad.. at least we have extra time to do some savings, to adapt ourselves with both our career and also to strengthen our verses memorization.. hehehe.. 3 surah tu ingat dah ke? I myself pon tgh asah balik...

Tomorrow, my lil sis is registering in UTHM (previously known as KUITTHO) in Batu Pahat.. bila dia dah pergi, tinggal le saye and Adek with my parents kat rumah.. then next Sunday, Adek pulak dah start balik her Master prog kat UTM... erkk...! tinggal le saye solo2 kat rumah.. gosh, this is going to be very very discouraging. hehehe! takpelah, selagi orang tuh tak naik kapal, takde la sunyi sangat kot..

Well, banyak masa... banyak kerja.. tapi buat2 tak banyak.. isk..

Wal'asr.. innal insaana lafii khusr..

p/s: Shade, buku La Tahzan tuh mmg sangat berguna.. bile rase down or sedih, and baca buku tuh, rase macam bangun pagi after dah complete deliveries and case presentation mase kat O&G... thanx pal..

Friday, June 29, 2007



Pernah tak rasa macam tu?
Rasa macam takde sape pon yang faham kite..
Takde tempat nak share problem..
Padahal ramai je kawan2 sekeliling...

Kadang2 pulak tuh...
Kite ingat kite sorang2...
Tapi rupe2nye ade jugak orang yg always ready..
Nak ngadu masalah ke, nak nangis kat dia ke..
Semua boleh.. just let them know..

Bertuahnya sebab masih ade orang yang sayang dan kisah kat kite...

p/s: sebenarnye kite tak pernah keseorangan, sebab Dia yang Maha Pengasih selalu ada untuk kite.. cuma kite je yang tak sedar.. teruk kan kite nih? harap belum terlambat...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Getting Feedback


Okay tak blogskin yang nih? kalo boleh, tolong bagi komen ek...


Maaf ye..
Blog saye sdg update...
Banyak yang hilang...
Silap sendiri...

Another Friend...

Another friend of mine, his happiness means the whole world to me... hehehe..

p/s : kadang2, mengetahui bahawa seseorang itu sedang gembira dan bahagia pun sudah memadai... :) glad enough... Alhamdulillah...

A Friend..


This friend of mine really touched my heart today.. She sent me a scarf which she bought while doing Umrah last week... I was deeply touched by her remembrance.. and of course the notes that she wrote together with the scarf..

Actually, we have known each other since my matriculation days but I only got the chance to talk to her (chat lightly) when we were in 1st year in Kuantan... Our friendship became stronger when we were allocated in the same group during the Public Health and Family Med postings.. we struggled together with the journal searching stuff and knocked the villagers' doors to do the 'adventure' survey while in Jerantut.. and at that moment, I started to know her better, and I believe she felt the same way too...

Anyway, the moral of the story today is.... a person whom we never expect to remember us, sometimes they do touch our heart in a simple way.. :)

p/s: we share the same interest once, SUDOKU.. I introduced her to the game, she enjoys the game as I do and bought the original SUDOKU collections book.. well, I photocopied them for her... hahaha.. sweet memories of playing SUDOKU in the Psychiatry intro weeks..

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Right now I am listening to a song, Mengenangmu by Keris Patih... yerp, it is an Indon song.. can't help it but I personally think songs by Indonesian singers are deeply touched my heart (chewah!)... nope, I am not trying to belittle Malaysia but that is my frank opinion..
So, do enjoy the lyrics, pal.. kalo nak dengar lagu dia, boleh let me know..

Takkan pernah habis air mataku
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri
Adakah disana kau rindu padaku
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda
Bila masih mungkin waktu berputar
Kan kutunggu dirimu …

Reff:Biarlah ku simpan sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah diriku dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi …

p/s: saye suke makan Fillet-o-Fish and ice cream McDonalds... hehehe.. but it would be much much more satisfying when eating it with the right person.. ade sentimental value.. isk..

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Post-Walimah (my big bro's)


Alhamdulillah, my big bro, Hazim dah jadi a husband last week.. akad nikah di Ipoh, Perak on 2nd June 2007 and kenduri sebelah pihak perempuan berlangsung petang tu jugak.. then, the next day pulak walimah kat my home... memang sangat meriah! it was more of a gathering event to my extended family members and friends of our family... about 1000 guests showed up and alhamdulillah, cuaca pon terang and just nice... elok jek majlis tamat and kitorang kemas2 barang kat khemah, hujan pon turun dengan lebatnye... so thanks to all yang datang sama2 memeriahkan majlis... perhaps next year punye pon boleh datang lagi ye... heh heh heh..

Rupa-rupanye, organize majlis kawen nih memang sangat memenatkan... seminggu sebelum majlis, me and my sisters memang tido lewat and buat preparation for the big day.. but frankly, altho penat sangat2 tapi cukup puas hati and tak serik sebab all the joy could be felt on that day.. cuma, memang ade rase terkilan and sayu sebab my younger bro, Apih, could not present.. tapi dia memang selalu call and even mase akad nikah pon, dia suruh taruk phone kat tepi my bro, Hazim so that he could hear the lafaz... hehehe... and the moment was so touched, thus making my mum to decide that the next wedding ceremony won't be held unless Apih was around... well, i kinda agree with that..

So, post-walimah, me and my sisters decided to be in 'coma' for 2 days... heheheh.. siap pesan kat my parents lagi, kalo kitorang tak bangun for 2 days tu, do not get worry... hehehe.. cakap je lebih tuh.. padahal, the next day kitorang dah berduyun2 pi Alamanda main bowling with the new husband-wife.. 16 org wooo main boilng.. kah kah kah.. sampaikan petugas kat bowling alley tuh pon kerumun tengok kitorang main... well, the sweat and tiredness were all gone, anyway...

Now, I am waiting for the call for work.. probably somewhere in July dah start kerja... hope I can be a safe one... kalo nak kate a good doctor, probably I have to wait for some time so that I can gain experience more and learn as much as I can in order to achieve that... and I've heard some of people out there once said that, the only time u can learn is during the student life.. after graduate from the school, u will be so busy to learn anything.. but as for me, life itself is a learning process so no such thing as 'no time to learn'.. I pray to Allah the Al-Mighty to make me strong to face all the tribulations and hardship... and grant me the strength to be steadfast with what I believe and what I hold...

Pray for me, please...

p/s: gambar kat friendster ye... nanti saye upload lagi..