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The offer letter from SPA just arrived today... at first, I was " oh my... dah kena start keja ke?".. but after opening it, no date stated yet... phew.... hehehe! In a way, rase berat jugak nak start keja after 2 months of enjoying life... kena buat medical check up pulak... isk.. macam nak masuk skolah or Univ. le pulak.. next week le..
Today also, is my bro, Hafiz's birthday.. he's 21 now. You've grown up le, bro! hehehe.. hope all the best things happen in your life, and semoga Allah permudahkan semua perkara le..
Last Monday (25th June), ade orang tuh sambut birthday jugak.. hehehe.. siyan dia, saye tak dapat nak beli hadiah pape lagi.. nanti le, 1st gaji nanti boleh tebus hadiah balik ek.. but, takde hadiah tak semestinya saye tak ingat ye... sorry, no flowery poem or wishes for you.. just a simple one which I created from my "berkarat" brain.. and heart.. and after all things that had happened, (yang tak berapa best tuh..) I think if we look at the positive side, it is not that bad.. at least we have extra time to do some savings, to adapt ourselves with both our career and also to strengthen our verses memorization.. hehehe.. 3 surah tu ingat dah ke? I myself pon tgh asah balik...
Tomorrow, my lil sis is registering in UTHM (previously known as KUITTHO) in Batu Pahat.. bila dia dah pergi, tinggal le saye and Adek with my parents kat rumah.. then next Sunday, Adek pulak dah start balik her Master prog kat UTM... erkk...! tinggal le saye solo2 kat rumah.. gosh, this is going to be very very discouraging. hehehe! takpelah, selagi orang tuh tak naik kapal, takde la sunyi sangat kot..
Well, banyak masa... banyak kerja.. tapi buat2 tak banyak.. isk..
Wal'asr.. innal insaana lafii khusr..
p/s: Shade, buku La Tahzan tuh mmg sangat berguna.. bile rase down or sedih, and baca buku tuh, rase macam bangun pagi after dah complete deliveries and case presentation mase kat O&G... thanx pal..