Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tukar fikiran...

Macam malas pulak nak bagi jawapan pada kedua-dua kisah tuh kat sini...sape yang berminat nak tahu, tanye sendiri kat saye le ek...hehehehe...

Okay, tu jek kot..takde idea nih..

Monday, June 27, 2005

Kuliah Bro. Hafiz Firdaus, Drebar yang Best!

Assalamualaikum all...haaa! kali nih saye nak share sedikit ilmu yang saye dapat weekend bebaru nih..actually, few days before Saturday lagi saye dah tahu yang after Maghrib pada hari terbabit ade sorang pilot yang akan bagi kuliah agama..dalam hati saye, "ape kejadahnye drebar ni? bagus sgt ke dia?"...hehehe..dah le malam tuh kan ade konsert Akademi Fantasia... Saye bukanle minat sangat ngan AF..sejak dari memula ditubuhkan AF nih lagi, saye mmg bukan peminat AF. Tambahan pulak, dengarnya terlalu banyak kontroversi dalam musim ke-3 nih..hahaha! Saye pon macam rase 'something wrong somewhere' jek bila seseorang yang mengaku pernah menang pertandingan tilawah al-Quran, qari ke, budak skolah agama ke, but yet join benda-benda lagha camtu... isk! terpulang pada individu untuk menilai...saye pon bukannye bagus sangat sampai nak bagi komen tentang 'dia'..dia lebih tahu ape yang dia lakukan..kalo dia rase baik untuk dirinye, ummat, agama dan masyarakat, maka ape sangat le yang kite boleh lakukan..ewah! kate tak minat tapi tahu jugak ye...?! ade sorang Ustaz pernah cakap, walaupon kite benci pada benda-benda tuh tapi kite kena jugak ambil tahu tentang perkara-perkara yang berlaku di sekitar kite..kalo tidak, macam mane nak jadi Muslim yang all-rounder dan boleh berdiskusi tentang semua perkara, berfikiran terbuka dan luas pengetahuan..?? :) lagipon, itu le salah satu tujuan blog nih diadakan..untuk share ape yang saye rase tak mampu nak diluah secara verbal...

Okaylah, sambung balik tentang kuliah agama tadi..nama pilot tuh adalah Bro. Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah..memula tengok dia, rase macam bersemangat nak dengar lagi. bukan ape, cara dia perkenalkan diri dia pon dah cukup humble hinggakan saye sebagai pendengar @ penuntut nih terus-terusan nak dengar ape yang dia nak sampaikan...tajuk kuliah yang dia bagi malam tuh adalah tentang Islam Liberal..dia mengupas tentang kertas kerja yang telah disampaikan oleh Zainah Anwar, a member of Sisters in Islam (so-called..) berkenaan dengan Undang-undang Moral..pendek kata, Zainah nih tak setuju le undang-undang moral diletakkan bawah pentadbiran atau badan yang bertanggungjawab, contohnya Jabatan Agama Islam.. menurut dia, itu adalah hak individu dan tidak wajar sama sekali pihak lain masuk campur dalam hal ni. Alahai, kirenye dia nih nak bela si Jeslina Hashim yang ditangkap kat Zouk tuh le...

Bro. Hafiz Firdaus membidas dan membangkang kertas kerja Zainah Anwar nih dengan cara membuat satu kertas kerja juga..alhamdulillah, saye dah dapat kedua-dua kertas kerja Zainah dan Bro Hafiz..boleh le sesape yang nak baca, lawat nanti bebila free ye.. pastu ade 2 kisah menarik yang dia ceritakan, berkaitan dengan isu bagi kondom and jarum cucuk free tuh yang kononnye boleh menyelesaikan masalah rogol, anak luar nikah dan penagih dadah dan AIDS tuh...cuba ikuti kisah di bawah ye...

Kisah 1

Kan kite selalu terbaca kat kedai Seven Eleven yang bukak 24 jam tuh, kalo dah lepas 12 malam nanti dia akan letak satu sign yang tertera "Juruwang hanya mempunyai RM30 sahaja selepas jam 12 malam." In a way, secara tersiratnya nak bagitahu perompak or pencuri yang ade niat nak mencuri tuh supaya toksah le buang mase nak rompak sbb duit memang banyak tuh je..
Nak dijadikan kisah, satu malam tuh ade le sorang perompak nih nekad jugak nak merompak kedai Seven Eleven tuh altho sign tuh dah naik dah..lebih kurang gini le perbualan diorang...

Perompak : Aku nak merompak nih! Cepat serahkan semua duit yang ade dalam mesin tuh...kalo tak, aku tembak le jugak engkau nih..
Cashier : Laaa..ko tak baca ke kat luar tuh? kan dah tulis, dalam mesin nih ade RM30 jek..tak berbaloi le brader..
Perompak : Isyy...dah nama pon perompak, kena le aku amik jugak..bagi cepat! RM30 pon duit jugak..
Cashier : Degil betul le encik nih...nah, amik le. Ade RM30 jek... (sambil memberi le duit tuh kat perompak tuh)
Perompak : Hahahaha! bagus! tapi...(sambil dok kira-kira duit tuh) kalo ade orang datang nak beli barang nanti, mesti ko takde balance pulak nak bagi kat org tuh...nah, amik le RM10.. buat jadi duit baki nanti...(sambil hulur duit RM10 kat cashier tuh balik)
Cashier : Uishh..baik hati jugak ko nih..hehehe.
Perompak : Mesti le, aku pon tahu bertimbang rase, ko habis kerja pukul baper? nanti mesti ko nak gi minum-minum ngan member ko before balik rumah kan? nah, amik le lagi RM10...buat belanja kopi...aku amik RM10 pon cukup le..
Cashier : humang hai....tak pernah lagi aku jumpa perompak yang baik hati lagi adil saksama macam ko nih...terima kasih, bang!

Kisah 2

Ade la kat satu negara yang saye pon dah lupa namanye..Kementerian Pendidikan kat negara tuh terlalu risau dengan masalah pelajar-pelajar skolah kat situ yang terlalu tinggi peratus gagal setiap kali exam dilaksanakan.. diorang pon buat le meeting tergempar dengan semua ahli-ahli lembaga kementerian tentang cara bagaimana nak atasi masalah ke'gagal'an exam yang maha dahsyat nih...lantas, ade le sorang pemikir terulung nih mencadangkan supaya everytime nak exam, calon-calon exam tuh semua dibekalkan dengan skema jawapan bagi soalan exam tuh skali..dengan cara nih, peratus pelajar lulus akan meningkat dengan mendadak, peratus pelajar gagal pon boleh le menurun atau boleh sampai tahap 'zero failure' lagi!

sekian....haaa..ape pendapat korang tentang dua kisah di atas? macam mane nak kaitkan dengan kisah kondom percuma dan jarum suntikan free kepada penagih dadah nih? shade tahu kan? saye dah penat menaip posting nanti saye bagi jawapan dan sambung lagi tentang kuliah Bro. Hafiz Firdaus... have a blessful day ye kawan-kawan...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Power Of Love...?

Assalamualaikum all...well, hari nih tanak post pape yang 'pelik' cuma nak share one good article from Catalyst (April 2004).. please have a nice time to read the thing and do leave your comments. I used to have the same piece of mind with the writer and it's really keep me strong to overcome all the 'godaan' from those people who think at this age (teenagers and early adulthood) is the most suitable time to find our so-called couple..well, bukan le nak kate yang saye nih anti-couple (ade le siket2..hehehe!) cuma sometimes rase quite irritated with certain people yang dok sibuk nak mencari gf or bf just because orang lain ade..come on le! be fair to yourself..saye sendiri pon tak terlepas daripada soklan-soklan cepumas macam ni especially bile balik kampung or cuti or jumpa kawan2 lama or even in the phone conversation..
"takkan takde boyfriend kot.."
"baik carik cepat, nanti kang...andartu le jawabnye.."
"apesal camni? anti-lelaki ek? ke takleh lupakan first love?"
"awak memilih sangat kot..."
arghhh....bosan! tapi takpelah, saye tahu ape yang saye buat...okaylah, membebel le pulak. nah, jemput baca ye kawan-kawan..

A good friend of mine fell in love with a guy from her college. Well, after 20 years (at last!), she finally met ‘the one’ that gave her butterflies in her stomach. I knew who he is, and I understood why she felt that way. She thought the world of him and had the instinct that he was the right guy for her. Her only barrier was time. Like us, she had just started her varsity life and was still trying to adjust to her new atmosphere. And like most of us, she wanted to focus on her studies. The last thing she needed was a guy to interfere into her so-called ‘well-planned’ life. But like it or not, there he was.

Knowing her as well as I do, I knew that she was not comfortable with this lovey-dovey thing. In all her 20 years of life, the only male figure she could relate to were her father, grandfather and brothers..and never a foreign male antigen. Not to mention the number of our friends who were broken-hearted, thanks to some mule-headed-XY-gender with excessive testosterone (too manly). She couldn’t help but view that other than her own blood relatives, the rest of the male species were only capable of igniting a series of hypersensitivity reactions of all types. As you might have guessed, the most severely affected organs would be the heart (obviously!) and the brain (in 85% of the cases).

Well, it’s undeniable that when love strikes (according to the understanding of the modern society) you tend to get a little carried away and act all silly. The saying goes that love is blind, but that is not always the case. Only without proper control, can it blind you. For the sake of love, people are willing to go against what they believe; abandon what they worked so hard for and those who love them. To make things worse, some cowards go to the extent of ending their lives. Now, that’s what I call the power of love. Sigh..if only people could channel this ‘love’ into more deserving things.

To me, I see things in a different perspective. How can I fall in love when Israel is still out there attacking and slaughtering innocent Palestinians and the Americans are torturing the Iraqi civilians? How can I fall in love when my love for Allah and Rasul SAW has not reached the uttermost level? What right do I have in dreaming about a guy that barely knows my name, when there are millions of people out there dreaming to taste the sweetness of freedom? While Muslims are facing dangerous threats, here I am, fantasizing whether he would be my husband someday. It does not feel right.
This is the trouble with weak souls. Satan just pricks our heart a little but we already jump a mile. What if he puts in bigger blow? I dare not even think about the consequences.

Nowadays, people are getting ‘bolder’ in expressing their love, whether it’s through the correct Islamic way or not is another story. Give me a break..if you want to see true bravery for the sake of love, check these out:

Siti Khadijah radiallahuanha loved Muhammad ibn Abdullah strong enough for her to send a marriage proposal. Umar al-Khattab was even bolder! He declared his firm belief in Allah and Rasulullah, knowing well enough that the kafiruuns tortured anybody who was smart enough to seek and see the truth. Abu Bakr as Siddiq was gallant enough to stand rooted to his faith when majority of the people thought that Rasul SAW’s story of Isra’ and Mikraj was a bluff. Now that’s what I call love.

Now ask yourself, how many of us would readily march into the battlefield to fight the enemy; under-armed and hopelessly outnumbered like Rasul SAW and his companions were in most battles during the early spread of Islam? We could never match their spirit! Those people marched to war for the sake of Islam, willing to die while the kafiruun fought for their lives! Ironic isn’t it, killing someone who is not afraid of death while you yourself fear dying? Nowadays, the mere thought of death can scare someone right out of their wits. So much for sacrificing life.

Just when we are going to be brave enough to uphold the right and correct the wrong? Honestly, we have to reprogram our minds. We have to inject our souls with the things that we lack, and enhance it with love towards Allah SWT, Rasulullah SAW, Islam, ‘ilm and our fellow brothers. We have to free our minds from all sort of colonization, deepen our understanding of Islam and prepare ourselves to face the world. Instead of making excuses about the time not being suitable to start a mental revolution, let us create a favourable atmosphere to cultivate our minds and groom our souls in the manner that was introduced by Prophet Muhammad SAW more than 1400 years ago.

Let us pray and work hard so that when the time comes, we are able to summon enough courage to do what we must do and wisdom to decide what is the best option for us to live our life.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Hah...lega selepas berjaya membetulkan balik blog saye nih..camane ntah boleh tertukar setting dia sampaikan sumer posts saye tak boleh nak kuar kat main page..member2 yang menjadi peminat setia blog saye nih (chewah! macam ramai peminat jek..) berkali-kali menyoal kenapa diorang takleh nak view blog saye..hehehe..atas permintaan ramai, saye update le blog yang tak seberapa nih..

Anyway, after a week of vacation, saye sudah kembali ke Kuantan, meneruskan kembali perjuangan jihad akademik ni.. A good start for 4th year, i was allocated in Specialized Posting, consists of Dermatology (Skin), Ophthalmology (Eyes), ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), Anaesthesiology (pasal Bius) and Radiology (pasal x-ray and imaging)..the seniors said that this posting is quite relax..tambah pulak i'm doing Dermatology currently..insya-Allah, altho relax tapi saye tanak terleka nanti..saye sudah ade satu 'hutang' so saye tanak ber'hutang' lagi..

Waktu cuti buat ape? hehehehe..kawen! kahkahkah..bukan saye yang kawen tapi 2 orang pakcik saye mendirikan masjid..Ayah Chik yang merupakan adik kepada Abah dan Ayah Mie, adik kepada Ummi saye...alhamdulillah, sempurna sudah sebahagian daripada tuntutan agama, terlaksana sudah salah satu sunnah Rasulullah.. pengalaman yang saye dapat mase kenduri kawen sangat manis dan bermakna walaupon kepenatan yang amat..bayangkan le, 5 hari berturut-turut saye buat kerja berat dan ringan, daripada melipat tissue, memasak (blajar buat acar!), menghias bilik pengantin (tak sangka lawa jugak design kami adik-beradik..dapat pujian penduduk kampung Lemal lagi..pheeewwiittt!) sampai le mengangkat hidangan mase kenduri, basuh pinggan dan menggubah hantaran..serba boleh rupenye saye nih...hahahaha!

okay, pasal kerja-kerja nih satu hal le..tapi mase preparation nak kenduri tuh yang best..saye mula mengenal jiran-jiran nenek saye by name..sebelum nih tahu muka jek..hehehe! teruk betul saye nih..diorang tahu saye blajar kat mane, umur berapa and even boleh cerita kat saye peristiwa mase zaman kanak-kanak saye..isk! malu lagi sekali! itu le...the real gotong-royong kenduri kawen yang paling bermakna pernah saye hadiri...

Okaylah..tangan dah penat menaip..lain kali saye sambung lagi..banyak benda nak cerita sebenarnye tapi nak susun jalan cerita tuh payah, jumpa lagi next time..chiow!

p/s: Bile saye punye turn pulak ek..? hehehe..tunggu Abe kawen dulu le..